Over 10,000 Greek Alumni
772 Greek Undergraduates
5 Panhellenic Chapters
Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Phi Mu, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Sigma Sigma
4 National Pan-Hellenic Chapters
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
8 Interfraternity Chapters
Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Tau Gamma, Tau Kappa Epsilon
One Greek Community
The 2020-21 school year has been a year of learning, adaptation and resilience for our Greek community. COVID-19 has completely changed the college and Greek experience. Through it all, members of Northwest Greek Life have held on tightly to their values of service, scholarship, leadership and most importantly, brotherhood and sisterhood.
To keep our community safe, many of our beloved Homecoming traditions had to be put on pause. However, the Greek community participated in canned art, and even got to walk in a mini parade through campus. We also celebrated our many Greek leaders nominated for Homecoming Royalty. Carmen Miller of Alpha Sigma Alpha and Kirayle Jones of Sigma Tau Gamma were named Homecoming Queen and King.
Panhellenic Council virtually hosted Tina Vansteenbergen, a public speaker dedicated to empowering women. Our Panhellenic community discussed mental health, stress management, COVID-19 and leaning on sisters for support.
Click here to find out more about Tina.
While activities have looked a little different this year, students were still able to explore organizations and get involved on campus in a safe way. With virtual meetings, social distancing and frequent sanitation, Greek Life and other student organizations were still able to function and make a difference on our campus.
Council Presidents
Alpha Sigma Alpha
Communication: Public Relations
Omaha, Nebraska
Punt plans to work on communication and trust by building a strong relationship with the chapter presidents, having open discussions about diversity and inclusion and creating a plan to increase engagement with non-Greek students.
Previously held positions: Chapter President, Panhellenic Delegate, Overall Homecoming Co-Chair, Assistant to the Vice President of Membership Education and a member of the Standards Board
Fall 2020 Reports
theta alpha chapter of alpha delta pi
COVID-19 Quote: "The best is yet to come. Our chapter is very eager to come back to campus this semester and enjoy our sisterhood."
We held multiple sisterhood gatherings on Zoom that allowed for sisters to connect while apart.
We are looking forward to having safe and in-person events this semester. We are proud of our morals and our desire to still be together through COVID.
We invited 30 new members into our chapter during fall Formal Recruitment.
phi phi chapter of alpha sigma alpha
COVID-19 Quote: “This pandemic is allowing us to grow together individually and as a sisterhood.”
Our sisters recently bonded through a winter photoshoot.
We welcomed 24 new members through Formal Recruitment and eight through Continuous Open Bidding.
We look forward to continuing our sisterhood, whether that be online or in person.
zeta lambda chapter of phi mu
COVID-19 Quote: "During these unprecedented times, Phi Mu - Zeta Lambda has been putting health and safety above all else. We have definitely been disappointed that events and traditions we typically look forward to, we no longer can hold at this time. However, at the end of the day we all feel proud to help contribute to the safety of our community here at Northwest."
Our recently held events were initiation, sisterhood events, chapter meetings, recruitment, philanthropy events and elections.
Our chapter is looking forward to being back on campus as we are holding out hope for normalcy to return.
We recruited around 40 members during last fall's Formal Recruitment.
A;lpha epsilon chapter of sigma sigma sigma
COVID-19 Quote: "Tri Sigma has taken COVID-19 very seriously. We have taken the necessary precautions to keep our sisters and others safe, such as making events virtual and postponing events for a later date. We know the impact of this virus has been huge and we’re making sure we do our part to stay safe!"
We attended the Panhellenic speaker, Tina VanSteenbergen.
Although most were virtual, we had chapter meetings, recruitment and big/little reveal.
We held a virtual Netflix watch party for initiation.
We are looking forward to being back and getting to spend time with one another again in person.
We welcomed 32 new members into our chapter.
kappa alpha chapter of sigma kappa
COVID-19 Quote: "Our chapter has handled COVID-19 by trying to remain optimistic and stay connected in any way possible. We understand that we might not be able to meet in person for every event, but we know that there are ways that we can connect virtually and keep our sisterhood strong."
Whether it be in person or virtual, our chapter has been able to have our formal and informal meetings for the whole semester.
We have hosted virtual sisterhood events to keep our members connected.
We had a virtual silent auction philanthropy event where we raised over $1,000.
We walked for Alzheimer's here in Maryville.
We welcomed 25 new members into our chapter.
No further information provided by this chapter.
Iota Theta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
COVID-19 Quote: "The Iota Theta chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. has handled the pandemic in the best way possible given the circumstances. We have incorporated virtual contact between brothers of the fraternity and also our local community. Since being back on campus, we've taken strides to improve the campus by recently welcoming students back while assisting with mask distribution and enforcing mitigation protocols set by Northwest Missouri State University. Even though going through these times may have felt like everything was impossible to do, we didn't give up no matter how long it took. We hope that we are able to be a beacon of light for Northwest students to persevere through this semester and these unprecedented times.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
No further information provided by this chapter.
epsilon lambda chapter of Delta Sigma Phi
COVID-19 Quote: "Delta Sigma Phi has been committed to stopping the spread of COVID-19, and we have done our part to social distance, wear masks and limit our exposure to large groups."
We recently hosted our Splash A Delta Sig event.
We participated in Alpha Kappa Lambda's Egg an AKL event to raise money for our philanthropies.
We invited eight new members into our chapter in the fall of 2020.
theta chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma
COVID-19 Quote: “Our chapter has prepared to adapt to the challenges of COVID-19 and plan to attend/host as many events as possible this next semester."
We attended the Webb Academy STG as a chapter.
Other events we participated in were virtual brotherhood zoom, Pie a Tri Sigma, Splash a Delta Sig and various Intramural sports.
We are looking forward to making events work, more specifically philanthropy events. We want to create more traditions.
We took in 12 amazing new members.
Beta rho chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho
COVID-19 Quote: "We have kept up to date with the city wide mandates and mitigations, as well as having quarantine rooms for members who have been contact traced."
We participated in highway cleanup and other volunteer events.
Throughout our recruitment events we invited 11 members into our chapter.
We are looking forward to changes in the fraternity and making better men.
alpha zeta chapter of Alpha Kappa Lambda
COVID-19 Quote: "Being a large chapter on campus and owning a 13 bedroom house, our fraternity was faced with several challenges due to COVID-19. We have handled COVID-19 in 2020 by increasing house sanitation to twice daily, limiting visitors at our chapter house, preparing positive case quarantine procedures and upgrading our internet package so our chapter can be successful in an online learning environment."
Our chapter hosted the annual Promise Wall in support of the Maryville Women and Children’s Center.
Recently, we organized Mozingo Lake and Adopt-A-Highway trash cleanups.
Brothers also enjoy assisting the New Nodaway Humane Society by exercising the animals.
We welcomed 10 new brothers into our chapter.
Missouri lambda chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon
COVID-19: "Given the circumstances and venturing into uncharted territory, I think that we handled COVID-19 as well as anybody could have handled it. We had a few members that have had to quarantine at different points in the year, but never had a serious chapter-wide outbreak, which we consider a great accomplishment."
We had a Mom’s Day fundraiser with Big Brothers & Big Sisters and raised $700 at the silent auction.
We participated in Dump a SigEp for Wounded Warriors in Action
Within our chapter, we had a Monday night football brotherhood event, pops reveal on campus and a handful of virtual chapter/exec meetings when necessary.
We are looking forward to open recruitment throughout this spring semester, hosting more philanthropy events to raise money for surrounding causes and providing volunteer service to local businesses.
We recruited nine members during 2020 Formal Recruitment.
epsilon nu chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa
COVID-19 Quote: "We are proud of how each individual has done their part, for themselves and the organization as a whole, to minimize the risk and spread of COVID between each other, faculty and other Northwest students."
This past semester Phi Sigma Kappa held both in-person and virtual recruitment events.
We hosted a virtual Price is Right, an in-person tailgate games event and a virtual meet the actives and house tour.
We have been getting ready for our virtual 2021 Conclave: Officer Academy and will be hosting a mix of in-person and zoom planning-meetings for this upcoming semester, where mitigation permits.
We welcomed six new members into our chapter.
Nwmsu colony of Pi Kappa Alpha
COVID-19 Quote: "The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity has handled COVID-19 with great consideration for others to insure the safety and success of everyone by following university regulations."
We participated in Harvesters in Kansas City and Cycle for Life.
We are looking forward to seeing how much the fraternity grows in size and what great community service we do.
We recruited 24 new members during fall 2020 Formal Recruitment.
delta nu chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon
COVID-19 Quote: "We have been very proactive and are extremely careful. The chapter has gone from virtual to in person to virtual again. The chapter has handled the craziness of the situation with an impressive degree of professionalism. I am proud that the chapter has adapted in such a seamless fashion."
We have been preparing for rush this spring and primarily focused on that.
We are sending a few of our members to a virtual Regional Leadership Conference.
We participated in highway clean-up.
We welcomed seven new members into our chapter.
In Loving Memory of Kylan Harrell
A member of our Greek family, Kylan Harrell, died in May 2020. Harrell was a junior from St. Louis, Missouri, and a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He was majoring in organizational communication. He was co-chair of the Student Engagement Committee for the Northwest Missouri State University Black Alumni chapter. He was also active in the Men’s Minority Organization, a student employee in campus recreation and a leader with the Black Student Union. The entire Northwest community has felt his loss, and his legacy will live on in the Greek community and the lives he touched.