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2022 Recognition Reception April 29, 2022 at 3:30pm | Maloney Room, Main Building (320)

The 2022 Recognition Reception honors this year's scholars, mentors, and affiliates of the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program at St. Edward's University and recognizes our continuing scholars' summer research plans.

Ronald E. McNair

The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program is committed to the legacy and memory of Dr. Ronald E. McNair. This federally funded TRIO program targets first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds and students from underrepresented populations in higher education. The program facilitates educational and academic growth by providing research opportunities, faculty mentoring relationships, GRE and graduate school preparation sessions, career development seminars, and other academic and cultural activities at no cost to students. Scholars also participate in summer research internships, and actively participate in professional conferences across the United States where they are able to present their research and network with professionals in their fields of study. All program activities are designed to prepare McNair scholars to continue their educational endeavors in graduate school through the completion of doctoral programs.

Who are the McNair Scholars?

They're outstanding students who undergo a competitive process to be accepted into a program intended to diversify higher education. Our scholars come from diverse backgrounds but often are from underrepresented communities or are first-generation students from low-income backgrounds.
senior Scholars working on their graduate school applications
The McNair Scholars Program offers seminars on topics related to graduate school preparation; a mentoring opportunity with a faculty member who provides guidance, advice, role modeling, and introduces a scholar to the academic profession; letters of recommendation, GRE test preparation; graduate school visits; and fee waivers for graduate school applications by universities that conduct TRIO programs.
Workshop By Dina Guidubaldi
The McNair Scholars Program also offers a summer research internship in the spring and for eight weeks throughout the summer. We pay a stipend, offer room and board on campus, three hours of tuition-free credit, and opportunities to present their research at the St. Edward's University McNair Research Symposium and at other universities across the United States.
Scholars Ederé Ohwobete & Flor Flores Jaimes Collecting Data in El paso, TX
We make a difference in our scholars' lives and our scholars make a difference in the lives of others. We are McNair.

Dr. Briana Cobos ('12)

Briana Cobos, Ph.D., earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and minor in Business Administration from St. Edward’s University, graduating as a Presidential Award Recipient and McNair Scholar in 2012. She went on to earn her Master of Arts in Psychological Research at Texas State University before continuing as a research manager at Fort Hood, TX. Her work at Fort Hood, TX, fueled her passion for working with military personnel in healthcare research and pursuing her doctorate in Psychology at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Her research interests include increasing adherence-related behaviors for nonpharmacological treatments and investigating the role of social factors on adherence to chronic health treatment regimens for U.S. Military personnel and veterans. Dr. Cobos is originally from Austin, Texas, and is the first in her family to graduate with a Ph.D. When she is not researching, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, gardening, and playing with her two dogs.

2021 Summer Research Participants

Every year, the McNair Scholars Program welcomes a new cohort of scholars interested in graduate school and prepares them with the skills necessary to conduct research alongside a faculty mentor. Throughout their first spring semester, they learn the basics of research and complete a project proposal with the intention of completing it during the 8-week McNair Summer Research Internship alongside returning scholars.This year, a total of 14 scholars participated by designing an original independent study, collecting and analyzing their data, writing a publishable paper, and presenting their findings at the annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium. The McNair Scholars Program is very proud of our scholars' hard work and dedication!

2021-2022 Research Presentations

The McNair Scholars Program at St. Edward's University encourages all scholars to attend conferences, present their research, and network with other students and faculty who share their scholarly interests. Below is a list of conferences attended by our scholars during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Congratulations to Ariah Alba and Annalyse Granowski who presented at the 36th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) held virtually this year. NCUR is a very competitive conference that usually receives over 4,000 submissions and only accepts about 2,500-3,000 of them. Way to go on your acceptance, scholars!
The McNair Scholars Program Research Journal Volume XIII will be released in Fall 2022. The cover shown here was designed by our new undergraduate graphic design intern, María José González Lacayo ('25).

Featured Manuscripts

Churches and Technology: The Status Quaestionis

Ariah Alba | Dr. Kelley N. Coblentz Bautch

The Well of Tears: Margery Kempe and the Spiritual Power of Non-Verbal Communication

Annalyse Granowski | Dr. Alan J. Altimont

¡Luchar Para Estudiar!: Student Movements in Chile and Argentina through Blogs and Ephemera, 2010 to 2013

Alexa Jaimes | Dr. Daniel P. Glenn

An Examination of the Origins, Practices, and Abuse Within the Troubled Teen Industry

Destiny Nicoll | Dr. Adam G. McCormick

Analysis of Contaminant Levels in Centralized Water Systems versus Domestic Wells in Rural and Urban Communities along the US-Mexico Border

Ederé Ohwobete | Dr. Amy L. Concilio

Perspectives on Water Quality, Contamination, and Trust in Government in Rural versus Urban Communities of Texas and New Mexico

Flor Flores Jaimes | Dr. Amy L. Concilio

The Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Racial and Ethnic Minorities

Kimberly Guzmán | Dr. Laurie C. Heffron

Investigating the role of the UNC-33L Isoform in aging Caenorhabditis elegans

Melissa Lopez | Dr. Andrea Holgado

The McNair staff thanks the following faculty members for serving as editors for the 2021-2022 McNair Scholars Research Journal. We couldn't have done it without you!

  • Haydory A. Ahmed, PhD
  • Sheila K. Alicea, PhD
  • W. Carsten Andresen, PhD
  • Emily D. Bernate, PhD
  • Amy R. Clements, PhD
  • Claire Edwards, PhD
  • Selin E. Guner, PhD
  • Lisa L. Holleran, PhD
  • Leslie L. Loughmiller, PhD
  • Moira C. Martin, PhD
  • I. Moriah McCracken, PhD
  • Kimberly O’Keefe, PhD
  • Michelle Y. Richter, PhD
  • Megan M. Ringel, PhD
  • Mary H. Specht, M.F.A
  • Matthew M. Steffenson, PhD
  • Jeanetta G. Williams, PhD
  • Elijah Wostl, PhD

The St. Edward's University Presidential Award is given to outstanding seniors from the undergraduate, graduate and New College programs that embody the principles of the university’s Holy Cross tradition and mission, and have demonstrated excellence in leadership, academic performance and service to the university and other communities.

Seniors, Ariah Alba and Michelle Flores, became the 18th & 19th McNair Scholars to receive the St. Edward's University Presidential Award.
McNair Scholars who have Received the St. Edward’s University Presidential Award:
  • (2021-2022) Ariah Alba and Michelle Flores
  • (2020-2021) Cristóbal Garcia Quiroz and Jennifer Rangubphai
  • (2019-2020) Leslie Rios
  • (2015-2016) Michelle Hernandez and Cheyenne Rohmann
  • (2014-2015) Dianey Leal
  • (2011-2012) Briana Cobos
  • (2010-2011) Lauren May and Elba C. Moise
  • (2009-2010) Carol M. Filip
  • (2008-2009) Glenn "Boomer" Trujillo, Jr.
  • (2007-2008) Karla Barrera
  • (2005-2006) Monica Ramirez, Gustavo A. Alonso, and Ernesto Escareo Vela
  • (2004-2005) Julio Cesar Dovalina
  • (2003-2004) Anita Rosalina Ramos

Ariah Alba

(Spring 2022)

Double Major:Photography and Media Arts and Religious and Theological Studies

Research: "Churches and Technology: The Status Quaestionis"

Research Director:Dr. Kelley Coblentz-Bautch


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 University at Buffalo Undergraduate Research Conference (Virtual) – July 22-23, 2021
  • 2021 The University of California National McNair Conference (Virtual) – July 27-30, 2021
  • 2021 Baylor University McNair Research Conference (Virtual) – Aug 19-20, 2021
  • 29th Annual University of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 25-27, 2021
  • 2022 Southwest Commission on Religious Studies (SWCRS) – Irving, TX, Mar 4-6, 2022
  • 2022 Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE)
  • 36th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)*, Apr 4-8, 2022
  • 2nd annual Gabriel E. Gallardo Research, Student Leadership & Advocacy Symposium (GEG Symposium) – Seattle, WA, Apr 18-20, 2022

* NCUR is a very competetive conference that usually recieves over 4,000 submissions and only accepts about 2,500-3,000 of them

Achievements: St. Edward's University Presidential Award, 2022; Theta Alpha Kappa Undergraduate Achievement Award, 2020; Dean's List, 2019-2022; St. Edward's University President's Merit Scholarship, 2018-2022; St. Edward's University Department of Residence Life Project Manager Award, 2019.

Plans for after graduation: "I will go on to pursue a Master of Divinity at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary and later, a PhD in Biblical Studies. During the summer, I will continue my work as the Executive Assistant at RightCross Ministries, where my team and I work to provide technological tools for churches in need across Central Texas. I plan to continue my McNair research on the impact of technology in churches both independently and with the resources of my future graduate program."

"In McNair, I've been empowered to pursue groundbreaking research for the field of theology, a graduate education as a first-generation student, and greater community through my incredible cohort. McNair has been the nexus for my success in being selected to speak at conferences nationwide, accepted into SIX graduate programs, awarded the Presidential Award for 2022, and most importantly, my newfound passion for using academic research to help the local community."

Ariah Alba | Spring 2021

Rachelle Cardoza

(Spring 2022)

Double Major: Kinesiology and Global Studies

Research: "The Silent Barriers: Casting Light on the Testimonies of Former Mexican Undocumented Farmworkers on the Rio Grande Valley Border"

Research Director: Dr. Kristy Ballard and Luis González Áviles, ABD


  • 2021 St. Edward’s University Honors Thesis Symposium, Nov 12, 2021

Achievements: Honor student with Cum Laude, McNair Scholar, CAMP Scholar, Austin FC Fellow, and Johnson Turpin Scholar

Plans for after graduation: "I plan to follow my heart!"

Update: Rachelle is currently a Fulbright semi-finalist.

"McNair means opportunities, support, drive, and direction. McNair showed me to embrace my background and my potential to do whatever I dream of. I’ve been in a lot of programs, but McNair has been the program that showed me that I was capable of obtaining anything, and creating an impact in my discipline as well as becoming a scholar and a researcher."

Rachelle Cardoza | Spring 2022

Michelle Flores

(Spring 2022)

Major: Political Science

Research: "Underrepresentation of the Hispanic/Latinx Community in Congress: The Impact of Educational Attainment"

Research Director: Dr. Nicholas Chad Long


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 Baylor University McNair Research Conference (Virtual) – Aug 19-20, 2021
  • 29th Annual University of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 25-27, 2021

Achievements: 2022 Presidential Award recipient, McNair Scholar, Texas Legislative Fellow Scholar, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Alumna

Plans for after graduation: "I am currently waiting to hear back from different graduate programs."

"The McNair Scholar's Program gave me access to a wealth of knowledge and encouraged me to challenge myself, allowing me to gain confidence and do things I never imagined myself doing. Being a McNair Scholar allowed me to distinguish myself in college and gave me the resources I needed to explore my passions."

Michelle Flores | Spring 2022

Flor Flores Jaimes

(Spring 2022)

Major: Environmental Science & Policy

Research: "Perspectives on Water Quality, Contamination, and Trust in Government in Rural Versus Urban Communities of Texas and New Mexico"

Research Director: Dr. Amy Concilio


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 29th Annual McNair Scholars Research Conference, Sept 17-18, 2021
  • 26th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment, Oct 6-8, 2021

Achievements: Cum Laude, Dean’s List, 2019-2021; Natural Sciences Living Learning Community, 2019.

Plans for after graduation: "I will be attending the University of California - Irvine in Fall 2022, where I will be starting my Ph.D. in Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy."

"You have a voice and power; that is what I gained through McNair. this program helped me become a competitive scholar by supporting me in every way possible – from being able to conduct my own research to publishing my research paper and getting into graduate school."

Flor Flores Jaimes | Fall 2021

Marianne Garcia

(Spring 2022)

Major: Behavioral Neuroscience

Research: "The Social Competence, Self-Perceptions, and Quality of Life of Autistic Adults"

Research Director:Dr. Emily Barton & Dr. Katherine Goldey


  • The Southwestern Psychological Association Convention – Baton Rouge, LA, Apr 8-10, 2022

Achievements: Honors Program, McNair Scholar

Plans for after graduation: "After graduating this May, I will be attending the Ph.D. program of Human Development and Family Studies at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX."

"The McNair Scholars program has given me invaluable connections and a support system that will always remain with me, one way or another. it has helped me immensely in gaining the necessary research experience and application skills for graduate school. I would have never been able to achieve the level of expertise and readiness without the McNair Scholars Program."

Marianne Garcia | Spring 2022

Savannah Gonzales

(Spring 2022)

Major: Mathematics and Bioinformatics

Research: "Data Visualization Using EcocomDP" and "Network Analysis of Fungal Interactions"

Research Director: Dr. Paul Savala and Dr. Charles Hauser


  • Lucian Symposium at St. Edward’s University (Virtual) - September 24th, 2021
  • 16th Annual Texas Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (TUMC) at Lamar University (Virtual) - October 30th, 2021
  • 30th Annual Senior Seminar, St. Edward’s University School of Natural Sciences (Virtual) – Mar 25, 2022
  • 2022 St. Edward’s University Honors Thesis Symposium (Virtual) – April 22, 2022

Achievements: Honors student; participated in two i4 internships, one of which allowed me to contribute to an R package published on CRAN(; two-year research project presented at the Texas Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (TUMC).

Plans for after graduation: Savannah was accepted into the University of Michigan Big Data Summer Institute (BDSI): A Summer Institute in Biostatistics program funded through the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. During this 6-week program, Savannah will gain a comprehensive overview of the field of big data by working on a mentored research project alongside faculty at UM. Afterwards, she will be attending the 2022 Opportunities in Genomics Research (OGR): Extended Study Program at Washington University - School of Medicine in the fall where she will continue conducting research and continuing to prepare to pursue a Ph.D. in the field of genetics/genomics upon its completion.

"Through McNair I've learned about many graduate school opportunities, including research programs that I would like to pursue after graduation. Being a McNair Scholar has allowed me to connect with students in other disciplines that are also pursuing graduate school and build a network of support."

Savannah Gonzalez | Spring 2022

Annalyse Granowski

(Spring 2022)

Major: English Literature

Research: "The Well of Tears: Margery Kempe and the Spiritual Power of Non-Verbal Communication"

Research Director: Dr. Alan Altimont


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 University at Buffalo Undergraduate Research Conference (Virtual) – July 22-23, 2021
  • 2021 The University of California National McNair Conference (Virtual) – July 27-30, 2021
  • 2021 Baylor University McNair Research Conference (Virtual) – Aug 19-20, 2021
  • 29th Annual University of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 25-27, 2021
  • 2022 Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) – Austin, Tx, Apr 1, 2022
  • 36th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)*, Apr 4-8, 2022

* NCUR is a very competetive conference that usually recieves over 4,000 submissions and only accepts about 2,500-3,000 of them

Achievements: 12x Dean's List Recipient, 3 journal publications, Sorin Oak Review: 2020-2021 Lead Poetry Editor & 2021-2022 Social Media Coordinator

Plans for after graduation: "I will be completing a Master's of Art in Rhetoric and Composition at Texas State University."

"McNair has shown me how strong and resilient the community of first-generation scholars are. I am endlessly grateful for the time and energy that all of the McNair staff have provided me while helping me prepare for graduate school. By being a McNair Scholar, I have connected to a community of scholars who share similar experiences to mine. McNair have provided me extensive opportunities such a conference presentations that have helped me build my professional skills."

Annalyse Granowski | Spring 2022

Kimberly GuzMán

(Spring 2022)

Major: Global Studies

Research: "Minority Health: The Disproportionate Impact of COVID-19 on Racial and Ethnic Minorities"

Research Director: Dr. Emily Bernate and Dr. Laurie Cook Heffron


  • 18th Annual McNair Scholars Research Symposium, July 8, 2021
  • 2021 The University of California National McNair Conference (Virtual) – July 27-30, 2021
  • 2nd annual Gabriel E. Gallardo Research, Student Leadership & Advocacy Symposium (GEG Symposium) – Seattle, WA, Apr 18-20, 2022

Achievements: Vice-President of Economics Club, Alpha Mu Gamma Member, Outstanding Spanish Student

Plans for after graduation: "I will be attending graduate school."

"McNair completely transformed my undergrad experience for the better. I've grown so much academically, and for this I thank, both St. Ed's and McNair. I am so glad McNair took a chance on me! I have gained many valuable experiences, made countless memories, and have made lasting connections through McNair. I am forever grateful to my cohort, Amalia, Tanya, Dr. Minus, Dr. Heffron, and Dr. Bernate for always being by my side. My undergrad accomplishments wouldn't have been possible without them. I truly wish there was another way I could express my many thanks, because it seems a simple 'thank you' isn't enough. Nevertheless, thank you!"

Kimberly Guzmán | Spring 2022

Alexa Jaimes

(Spring 2022)

Major: History

Research:Luchar Para Estudiar!: Student Movements in Chile and Argentina Through Blogs and Ephemera, 2010 to 2013"

Research Director: Dr. Daniel Glenn


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 University at Buffalo Undergraduate Research Conference (Virtual) – July 22-23, 2021
  • 2021 The University of California National McNair Conference (Virtual) – July 27-30, 2021

Achievements: Richard B. Hughes History Endowed Scholarship (2020-2021), Dean's List (all 4years), Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society (2020-Present), It's On Us Events & Tabling Committee Co-Manager, Outstanding History Student (St. Edward's University Awards Night -- April 25, 2022).

Plans for after graduation: "After graduating in May, I will be attending the University of Texas at El Paso as a PhD student in Borderlands History."

"Through McNair I have gained valuable research experiences, constant assistance from the incredible McNair staff, and a community and sense of belonging that I will carry with me into the future. Being a McNair scholar allowed me to truly consider graduate school for the first time -- and the idea that I would even be capable of it. Without McNair I would not be where I am right now."

Alexa Jaimes | Spring 2022

Viviana Jaimes

(Fall 2021)

Major: Sociology

Research: "How the New Media Environment Promotes Sexism Affecting Ideology and Trends in the United States"

Research Director: Dr. Laurie Cook Heffron


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021

Achievements: 2 Year McNair Scholar. Taken part in volunteering with campus ministry such as Serve One Day, and Spring Break Experience in Alabama. Involved with the Student of Diversity and Inclusion Office all throughout her undergrad. Served in the Equity and Justice Council as a Community Outreach Coordinator

Plans for after graduation: "I will be attending the Master of Arts in Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education program at Ball State University in Indiana."

"McNair helped me see the endless opportunities after undergrad and helped shape me to be more prepared and ready for what’s to come after graduation."

Viviana Jaimes | Fall 2021

Destiny Nicoll

(Spring 2022)

Major: Psychology

Research: “An Examination of the Origins, Practices, and Abuse Within the Troubled Teen Industry”

Research Director: Dr. Adam McCormick


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 The University of California National McNair Conference (Virtual) – July 27-30, 2021
  • 29th Annual University of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 25-27, 2021
  • 2022 Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) – Austin, Tx, Apr 1, 2022

Achievements: Martin Scholar Recipient, 2018-2021; Dean’s List, 2018-2021; President's Merit Scholarship, 2018.

Plans for after graduation: "I'll be working full time as an ABA Therapist with Action Behavior Center and part time as a researcher with a podcast!"

"Through my two years with McNair, I have ensured that research and academia are my passion. McNair allowed me to gain priceless experience with researching that I'd likely not have received elsewise."

Destiny Nicoll | Spring 2022

Ederéwoma Ohwobete

(Fall 2021)

Major: Environmental Chemistry

Research: “Analysis of Contaminant Levels in Centralized Water Systems versus Domestic Wells in Rural and Urban Communities along the US-Mexico Border”

Research Director: Dr. Amy Concilio


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 26th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environmental (Virtual) – October 6-8, 2021

Achievements: Honors Graduate, McNair Scholar, American Chemical Society member

Plans for after graduation: "I am attending UPitt for my PhD in Civil & Enviromental engineering."

"McNair gave me the support and resources to become my most confident, academic self. I was allowed to focus my college experience towards the future. It also surrounded my with peers who were equally ambitious."

Ederéwoma Ohwobete | Fall 2021

Carlos Chavira

(Spring 2022)

Major: Biology

Research: "Wild Basin Wildlife Preserve Research"

Research Director: Dr. Barbara Dugelby


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 29th Annual University of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 25-27, 2021

Victoria Hernandez

(Spring 2023)

Major: Entrepreneurship

Research: “Consumption During the Pandemic: Conspicuously Consuming the COVID-19 Vaccine”

Research Director: Dr. Sarah Mittal


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 29th Annual McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 17-18, 2021
  • 2022 Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) – Austin, Tx, Apr 1, 2022
  • 2nd annual Gabriel E. Gallardo Research, Student Leadership & Advocacy Symposium (GEG Symposium) – Seattle, WA, Apr 18-20, 2022

Plans for Summer 2022: Victoria will be conducting market research with Sport Panel in Barcelona, Spain this summer as she was accepted into the International Studies Abroad (ISA) program by Worldstrides.

Melissa Lopez

(Fall 2022)

Major: Biology

Research: “Investigating the role of the UNC-33L isoform in aging C. elegans”

Research Director: Dr. Andrea Holgado


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 The University of California National McNair Conference (Virtual) – July 27-30, 2021
  • 2021 Baylor University McNair Research Conference (Virtual) – Aug 19-20, 2021
  • 29th Annual University of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 25-27, 2021
  • 2022 Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) – Austin, Tx, Apr 1, 2022
  • The 21st Annual New England Science Symposium hosted by Harvard Medical School (Virtual) – April 29-30, 2022

Plans for Summer 2022: Melissa will be conducting research in Berlin this upcoming summer as she was accepted into the Summer 2022 Faculty-Led Berlin Study Abroad Program through St. Edward’s University and the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). Melissa will be working under the mentorship of Dr. Emma Woelk and intends on investigating Oskar Vogt’s association with the Third Reich and his role as a political figure and as a neuroscientist during this era.

Ellyzabeth Morales-Ledesma

(Spring 2023)

Major: History and Behavioral Neuroscience

Research: “Austin’s Approach to Youth Homelessness”

Research Director: Dr. Christie Wilson


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 Baylor University McNair Research Conference (Virtual) – Aug 19-20, 2021
  • 29th Annual University of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair Scholars Research Conference (Virtual) – Sept 25-27, 2021
  • 2nd annual Gabriel E. Gallardo Research, Student Leadership & Advocacy Symposium (GEG Symposium) – Seattle, WA, Apr 18-20, 2022

Plans for Summer 2022: Ellyzabeth was accepted into the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program where she will be conducting research in their Freedom Stories Digital Legal Research Lab from June 1 to August 5, 2022.

Marisol Rivas

(Spring 2023)

Major: Global Studies and Spanish

Research: “Major League Soccer as an Expression of Local and Transnational Latinx Identities”

Research Directors: Dr. Emily Bernate and Dr. Adam McCormick


  • 18th Annual St. Edward’s University McNair Scholars Research Symposium (Virtual) – July 8, 2021
  • 2021 Baylor University McNair Research Conference (Virtual) – Aug 19-20, 2021

Plans for Summer 2022: Marisol will be participating in the 2022 8-week McNair Summer Research Internship at St. Edward's University.

Our most recent cohort of McNair scholars was inducted on December 3, 2021. We look forward to their research internship this summer and celebrating their accomplishments next year!

Michael Baquet

Major: Global Studies & Political Science | Research Director: Dr. David Thomason

Sofia Flores

Major: Psychology Research Director: Dr. Adam G. McCormick

Pedro Galvan

Major: History Research Director: Dr. Daniel P. Glenn

Thais Galvan

Major: Criminal Justice | Research Director: Dr. Lisa L. Holleran

Diego Garza

Major: Kinesiology | Research Director: Dr. Kristy K. Ballard

Makena Gonzalez

Major: Neuroscience | Research Director: Dr. Jessica Boyette-Davis

Mariana Hernandez Flores

Major: Psychology | Research Director: Dr. Kadie R. Rackley

Janiece Jefferson

Major: Environmental Science & Policy | Research Director: Dr. Amy L. Concilio

This year, Janiece completed a research project titled “Measuring Grassland Ecosystem Productivity: Assessing Effects of Invasive vs Native Grass and Forb Dominance in the Texas Hill Country” under the mentorship of Dr. Concilio and presented it at the following conferences:

  • 2022 Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) – Austin, Tx, Apr 1, 2022
  • 2022 Houston/North Coast Restoration Networking Event – Houston, TX, April 29, 2022

Mia Sanchez

Major: Environmental Biology & Climate Change | Research Director: Dr. Daniel A. Gold

Under the mentorship of Dr. Gold, Mia completed three different research projects and presented them at multiple conferences:

“Investigating host-pathogen interactions between the host Madagascar Hissing Cockroach and parasite Blabericola migrator” presented at:

  • 2021 Lucian Symposium at St. Edward’s University (Virtual) - Sept 24, 2021

“Comparing Molecular markers of Gregarine Life Cycle Stages in Neopterans Obtained from Wild Basin to Laboratory Raised Cockroaches” presented at:

  • 2021 Lucian Symposium at St. Edward’s University (Virtual) - Sept 24, 2021

“Isolating the cell-invasive stage of a cockroach-infecting Gregarine for gene expression analysis” presented at:

  • 2022 Texas Branch American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Spring Meeting (Virtual) – March 24-25, 2022
  • 2nd annual Gabriel E. Gallardo Research, Student Leadership & Advocacy Symposium (GEG Symposium) – Seattle, WA, Apr 18-20, 2022

James Ian Stephenson

Major: Political Science | Research Director: Dr. David Thomason

Stephanie Tafoya

Major: Biochemistry | Research Director: Dr. Santiago A. Toledo

Ashley Rose Watters

Major: Marketing | Research Director: Dr. Wesley Pollitte

Faculty Advisory Board

  • Dr. Sarah Henseler | School of Behavioral and Social Sciences
  • Dr. Andrea Holgado| School of Natural Sciences
  • Dr. Stephanie Martinez | School of Arts and Humanities
  • Dr. Kathleen Wilburn | The Bill Munday School of Business
  • Dr. Jeannetta Williams | School of Behavioral and Social Sciences

STEM Faculty Advisors

  • Dr. Jason Callahan | School of Natural Sciences
  • Dr. Lisa M. Goering | School of Natural Sciences

Program Director

Molly Minus, Ph.D.

Molly Minus (PhD) started the McNair Scholars Program at St. Edward's University in 2003 after creating a partnership and serving as campus coordinators for the McNair Scholars Program at the University of Notre Dame in 1999.

Assistant Director

Tanya Garnica, M.S.Ed.

Tanya Garnica (M.S.Ed.) joined the program as the Assistant Director in 2020. She completed her B.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justices at Washington State University and her M.S.Ed. in Education Policy at Indiana University, Bloomington. Tanya is a first-generation college student, McNair alumna, and was formerly the site director for the TRIO GEAR UP program at Central Washington University. She is thrilled to be a part of the McNair Scholars Program at St. Edward’s University where she can continue to ensure college success for all students and be part of this social justice driven institution.

Project Graduate Assistant

Amalia Merino, M.A.

Amalia Merino (M.A.) joined the team as the Program Graduate Assistant in 2020. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the University of Texas at Austin in the department of Spanish and Portuguese. In addition to being a graduate student and our project graduate assistant, Amalia also teaches for the Department of Mexican American and Latino Studies at UT and mentors undergraduate students interested in graduate school. As a first-generation college student herself, Amalia is passionate about helping other students succeed in higher education.

Senior Secretary

Corrie Lankford

Corrie Lankford joined our staff this past January as the new Senior Secretary. Corrie comes from the Austin Independent School District, with plenty of experience in education, bookkeeping, and administration. Corrie is originally from Southern California but has now lived in Austin for 20 years! She enjoys trying new restaurants, baking, completing home projects, traveling, and much more with her two boys–a freshman in college and a senior in high school. The McNair Scholars Program here at St. Edward’s University is excited to have Corrie on board!

McNair Scholars Program | Moody Hall, Room 126 | 512.426.1268 | |

SEU McNair Scholars celebrating the end of another successful year