
Minding Our Gap: Designing a Culturally Responsive Environment for African American Boys in grads 3-5 at Sayre Sayre Language Academy

Who We Are

Our Design Challenge

Percentage of African American boys in 4th meeting grade level benchmark (50th percentile) on standardized NWEA between 2012-2019.

Traditionally, our Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) has analyzed quantitative data as a way to discover root cause analysis about our student achievement data. This year, we layered on the targeted universalist framework*, which prioritizes the needs of a historically underserved group of students.

*Targeted Universalism: A Primer

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets."- Dr. Edwards Demings.

With this concept in mind, how are our visible and invisible systems, structures and cultural norms contributing to the success rates of African American boys in grades 3-5?

In Spring of 2020, our ILT participated in the Chicago Public Education Fund’s Summer Design Program and learned how design thinking can be used to conceptualize a problem of practice through a collaborative and creative approach. Combining our commitment to enact a targeted universalism approach with empathy interviews to generate impactful insights was a game changer for our team and the way we worked! The urgency was clear and the commitment was strong. Each ILT member engaged in empathy interviews with African American boys in grades 3-5 to better understand their experiences at Sayre.

As we launched the 21-22 school year, we committed to asking more questions and staying curious. In February of 2022, our ILT and administrators conducted a total of 40 empathy interviews to deepen our understanding of who our students were and what they needed. We also observed students in their classrooms to understand how our current practices as teachers and leaders may be contributing to the success or failure of African American students.

Our empathy interviews generated qualitative data that helped us begin to understand our student experiences. Here are some of the trends in their words.

Engaging our students in an interview format was a revelatory experience for all who participated. We captured the words of our students, teachers and parents to facilitate communication of the intervention we would later design and to document our process.

How could we use Milyon's strengths to help him with his challenges?
How can we spark joy and tailored supports for Zerell?
How can we design a more interesting and engaging learning environment for Kweku?

Brainstorming with Teachers

What if school was designed to cultivate joy, growth and self awareness?

The Prototype in Action

Reflecting As We Go: Our Feedback Plan

Measures of Success

As we implement, adjust and improve, our plan is to document our process here and to engage stakeholders in learning about our initiative and our progress. Stay tuned for updates!