Spill Constance Theatre
Spatial Experience
Upon entering the crowded lobby my friend and I anxiously waited to be let inside. Within 15 minutes we were brought inside and our ID's were checked. We sat near the front in the center so our view was pretty good. As the lights dimmed I got a bit excited to see what was coming. The beginning of any movie or play always makes me super excited! The role of place in the Good Life is basically that your surroundings and environment contribute to the way you carry our your everyday life.
I attended the play with my best friend. I think that made it more enjoyable just because both of us could talk about it. We walked from our dorm to the Constance Theatre and checked what we had to do once we got there. Once reaching both of us took pictures together while we were waiting in the lobby area. The role of shared experience in the Good Life is having a friend or companion with whom you can share memories and moments with. It's having someone to talk to and someone to move with you as you move through life!

The Cultural and Intellectual Experience
Before this performance, I didn't know as much about the BP Oil Spill. This performance showed me how devastating it actually was. I was in seventh grade when it happened but I didn't pay close attention to it. This performance depicted that life is very short. We never really know when its going to come to an end. Many of the workers knew that it their job was difficult and hard but none of them actually thought they were going to die. In the play, I saw how badly the families of these workers were harmed and left saddened.
The Emotional Experience
"Katharsis" meaning come clean plays a huge role in the message of the play. Its showing that BP should accept their mistake. Us on the other hand, should honor the men that lost their lies to the spill. Money can't bring them back but what we can do is respect them and understand the fact that when mistakes are made they should be admitted.