Thank you for your interest in what God is doing in our ministry! Our names are Ian and Emma and we are on staff with Cru on college campuses in DC. Cru is a large missions organization passionate about developing believers into lifelong disciples of Christ.
In college, there is so much competition for the hearts and minds of students. In Washington DC students search for satisfaction in things like career success, political impact, or social status, none of which will ultimately satisfy. But the good news is, God is at work! He is seeking the lost and sending people to find them. And he’s calling them to something so much better!
We got involved in Cru as freshmen at George Mason University. Seeing our peers choose to follow Jesus every day transformed our view of what it looked like to be Christians. We loved serving in Cru as student leaders, and after graduating and getting married, God nudged us each to pursue ministry long term. We then spent two years interning with Cru in the US and overseas, and are now long term staff on the DC Metro team.
We love college ministry because we get to impact people at a point in their lives when they’re deciding who they want to be and what they want to dedicate their lives to. We love sharing the gospel with those who don’t know Jesus yet, discipling young believers and helping them grow in their faith, and sending lifelong disciples of Christ into the world. In Cru, we call these three pursuits Win, Build, and Send.
Washington DC is arguably the most influential city in the world as nations watch the decisions and policy established in the headquarters of the world’s superpower. With a vision to make disciples to change the campus and the world, why aim for anything less than the gospel penetrating the hearts of students in the nation’s capital? We love this city and are constantly amazed by the commitment of students here to follow Jesus in environments that can be apathetic or even hostile to the gospel. We can’t wait to see what God will do next on these campuses! If you would like to hear stories from our campuses, receive our monthly prayer letter, or join our team of our financial partners, please reach out. We would love to hear from you! | (540) 877-8979 | (540) 247-4792