
Senior Spirit Week Class of 2018

Monday: Formal Day

Photographed by Isabel Morichi : Chloe Jaeger and Sydney Gonzalez
Photographed by Muriel Gemayel
Photographed by Sydney Gonzalez

What are you most excited for during senior year?

“Senior Prank Day” - Lily Khosrowshahi
“Graduation” - Sydney Gonzalez and Jessica Jackson
“Everything but the IB” - Paula Perez

Tuesday: Comfy Day

Val Deshler (Left), Ariel Rich and Sterre Jansen (Right)
Photographed by Rosalia Turcios

What will you miss the most from WIS?

“The teachers” - Sophia Azimi
“My friends” - Henry Asher
“The scenery and Mr. Licht” - Juliette Simon

Wednesday: Grade Shirt Day

Photographed: Henry Asher (Left)
Photographed by Rosalia Turcios

When did you peak at WIS?

“9th grade” - Sterre Jansen
“In this moment” - Julia Figueredo
“I haven’t peaked yet” - Yousef Auer

Thursday: Beach Day

Lily Khrosroshahi (Left) and Sophia Azimi (Right, photographed by Sydney Gozalez)

What’s some advice you would like to give to an underclassman?

“Don’t fall behind in school but don’t get so wrapped up in your school work that you miss out on fun activities.” - Phoebe Thomas
“Stay in school. Don’t stop doing things you like because you’re afraid of your GPA.” - Jair Alleyne
“Study things you’re interested in. Don’t take the L. You are stronger than that.” - Ariel Rich

Friday: Nationality Day

Photographed: Adrian McCarthy (Left) and Sydney Gonzalez and Isabel Morichi (Right)
Photographed: Val Deshler (Left) and Madeline Hawkins and Naomi Aladekoba

What's your café order?

"White Chocolate Cranberry Scone" - Ian Traphagen
"I don't get anything from the café" - Paul van Trotsenburg
"Chai Latte" - Muriel Gemayel

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