Have you ever wondered how school would be if school started at 8:00 am and ended at 12:00 pm? If school were to be the short a day; students would have so much free time. Students would be able to join a sports team, they would be able to have enough time to do their homework and also join a sports team or practice an instrument. The school day should be shorter because students need more sleep, students could have more free time to do homework or do their own things and students would have less classes per day meaning they have less things to remember.
Students should have shorter days since they are in school such a long time and in top of school being so long once students get home students have a lot of homework to do. “They are forced to sit in a chair for a certain amount of time and to quietly complete assignments” (Perle, Elizabeth. "High School Pressure: Why Students Need Shorter Days." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 12 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.). Students sit on a chair for 7 hours straight and students don’t think is fair the we need to stay in school such a long time; once students get home we need to homework, chores and if there is time after all of that we can relax. If school hour was to be shorter students would have more time to study, more time to do homework, more time to join an after school activities or just to relax
Imagine your child coming home from school around 1:30 pm; your child could have time to join a sports team or study for a text or even better you could enjoy those moments with your child or child's. “The school day is primarily seven hours long. Most of us have a wide range of after-school activities” (Perle, Elizabeth. "High School Pressure: Why Students Need Shorter Days." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 12 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.). After 7 hours; school ends and students go home, if students have to go to a sports team's practice and after practice ends; they go home and do homework. Next day students wake up at 6:30 am and get ready for another long day at school even though students are tire we go to school.
As parents might think “As long as my child is in school he won’t be exposed to any bad influence or to drugs during school hours or you could think as long as they are in school they be learning a lot”. But you're wrong at least on the first scenario but the second scenario students cannot argue with that. “Marijuana use remained steady among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders over the past 5 years despite softening of perceived risks. Past-month use of smoked marijuana remained steady among 8th graders at 6.5 percent, 10th graders at 14.8 percent, and 12th graders at 21.3 percent. Six percent of 12th graders report daily use of marijuana. ”(NIDA (2016). High School and Youth Trends. Retrieved November 20, 2016, from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/high-school-youth-trends). This shows that students maybe not only use drugs outside school but also during school hours and you might had thought the your children’s only could be exposed to drugs outside school but honestly students could be exposed anywhere they go. As parents might think only the students would benefit from a shorter day of school. This quote “A shorter school day can only be seen as a positive change. Both students, teachers and administrators would benefit from the change. Teachers would be able to have some free time and be able to educate students. The students would gain more time for fun while also having time to gain an excellent education.”(Perle, Elizabeth. "High School Pressure: Why Students Need Shorter Days." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 12 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.). This quote says the not only will the students benefit from school day being shorter but Both students, teachers and administrators would benefit from this change.
To summarize the hours of schools are too long and students and students or teacher don’t have as much free time as they should. The school day should be shorter because students need more sleep, students and teachers could have more free time to do homework/grade papers or do their own things and students would have less classes per day meaning they have less things to remember. Students, teachers and administrator should protest to achieve shorter day of schools.
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