I have had an amazing experience during my 33 year military career, and one of the highlights is the past nearly five years of being the State Command Sgt. Maj. for the Vermont National Guard. A major part of my success comes from the many outstanding mentors I have had over the course of my career.
From the time I was a junior-enlisted member, earned my stripes as a non-commissioned officer, and eventually received my first Command Sgt. Maj. position, I was surrounded by truly outstanding leaders and mentors. I now call many of them friends and owe much of my success due to their support. Thank you.
As I step out as the State Command Sgt. Maj., I’d like to offer three challenges:
First, look for that future leader and mentor them - show them that you care about them and their family.
Second, don’t forget where you came from when you were a Private or 2nd Lt. It is a difficult, humbling time. Remembering this will help keep you grounded as you progress through your career.
Third, never stop thinking about the Traditional Soldier and Airmen who leave their family and job to come and serve their country. Do not waste their time –maximize every training opportunity, establish lasting relationships and make the most of everything you do during your time in this great unit – all while never forgetting to thank and cherish those that are closest to us – our families.
Today Command Sgt. Maj. Nathan Chipman takes over as the new State CSM for Vermont. I wish you the very best in this great role.
Thanks to all of you that have made my time as the State CSM so special.
Command Sgt. Maj. Joseph "Toby" Quick III, State Command Sergeant Major, VTNG
Quick Reaction Force Training
158th Fighter Wing: "ON DRILL"
Finishing JRTC Rail Operations
Brig. Gen. Clark Retires
Post- 9/11 Benefit Transfer Changes Extended to January 12, 2020
- Guardsmen with a minimum of six years can transfer some or all of their Post- 9/11 GI Bill Benefits.
- AFTER 16 years of service, service members cannot transfer their benefits.
- Guardsmen have a 10-year-window from 6-16 years of service to transfer their benefits
- Changes go into effect January 12!
Mountain Rifleman Course
Taking Charge of Your Air National Guard Career
U.S. Air Force Maj. James Philbrook of the 158th Logistics Readiness Squadron, 158th Mission Support Group, 158th Fighter Wing, Vermont Air National Guard, graduated with a Masters of Military Studies from the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia, in June.
He researched, authored and defended this thesis on the State Partnership Program!
Vermont National Guard Tuition Benefit Program Info
Marksmanship Advisory Council Region 1 Championships
Vermont's 1st place finish secured Vermont an invitation to the All Army Championship next year!
Cyber Command Readiness Inspection (CCRI) Coming in August!
What is the CCRI?
A comprehensive network inspection aimed at improving security of our Information Network. CCRIs check our day-to-day operations. Preparations should be verification of what we do every day. The end goal is to slam the door on our adversaries!
Who is Inspected?
All of us! Most of the inspection is with our J6 office, but the inspection team will check all locations that have a Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) connection, so everyone needs to be ready!
What is Inspected?
Overall security of the organization to include traditional security, cyber security, and cyber threat mitigation. This means, having the latest security measures, patches and hardware. The inspectors will look for unlabeled media, sensitive information in plain site, CAC cards unattended in computers, sensitive areas and telecom closets not locked or secured.
What can I do to Help and Prepare for Inspection?
- Office Door Secured when not present
- Question any unauthorized people in area (ask to see CAC)
- Access control rosters on any sensitive/classified areas.
- CAC card removed from computer and secured when not at workstation
- No unlabeled CDs, DVDs, or external drives in office.
- Classification Stickers on all devices to include phones, printers, fax machines, computers
- Cover sheets used on ALL faxes and readily available near fax machines.
- Sensitive Information, none on bulletin or white boards, none laying around on desks or tables.
- Trash/Recycling – No sensitive information in recycling bins
- Incident response cards posted by workstations
- AUP, IA Training, Digital Signature Policy
- If in doubt on anything suspicious always call the J6 Help Desk
Between Two Frames: Episode 10
On this episode of Between 2 Frames Senior Master Sgt. Michael Bilharz, the installation fire chief at the Vermont Air National Guard, discusses emergency response for the Burlington International Airport.