Sudras The lowest of the Four varnas

What are the Sudras?
The Sudras are the lowest of the four Varnas. The class consists of mostly servants, poor farmers, artisans, etc. They are the people who always do the most menial jobs that no one in any of the other caste levels would want to do. The best job they can possibly have is serving a Brahman, as it prepares them for their next life.
Here's a list of things about their daily life
- They just wear normal clothes, they don't wear sacred clothing like people would from a higher class.
- They can only marry within the Sudra class

A Shudra couple
- They live in very poor housing, sometimes not even having a house at all.

Living conditions of a Sudra
- Their diet usually consists of only meat, usually cattle but they eat whatever they can.

How does Hinduism affect their daily lives?
- They are not allowed to hear prayers from people higher than the Vaishya caste, nor can they practice the same type of Yoga.
- If they are to hear these prayers, their punishment will be to have molten lead be poured into their ears. If they are to speak these prayers, they are forced to swallow boiling oil
- They are defined to be servants of those in the higher classes. This was based off their earliest Sankrit writings.