The Forest BY ryan

I live in a forest called the Green big trees,and I live there with my friends Roman,Aldan,Tommy.My names ben and I have a house in the forest.It's really old and no one lived there for a very long time. I bought the house because is has four rooms,in the middle of nowhere,has lots of windows,lots of room,and cheap.We are still moving in when it got dark so we just put little things and locked all the doors and windows because we were all going to sleep in the living room.Me and Roman were on our phones when we heard a little knock on a window.For some reason we thought is was a tree that hit a window so we just went to sleep. In the morning it was cold but we still had to unpack all our stuff for our room.

After we brought all our stuff in we had to put the boxes in our room to unpack. Tommy got the best room because the room's floor was tile and carpet and had a big window in one side,which had a nice view because is was on the second floor,you could see the big lake. Aidan got the second best room because it had a porch and a walk in closet,Me room and roman were normal,one little window,closet,and bathroom,They were big like a master bedroom,all the rooms were big The house had lots of dust because there was lots of windows. We started to clean up the house because it would look really nice if it was cleaned.I was cleaning the second floor when I saw it.

It look like a human thing but all black.I saw nothing but dark little spot next to a tree.It was there just for a few seconds.I thought is was all in me mind so i stop cleaning and went to the spot but it was just cold. It was warm but that little spot was cold as ice.That night when we were sleeping where we did before but this time we had a tv so we were all wake.Then we heard a lot banging sound.We thought it was a person that was in the house.We all went up at the same time.When we went inside tommy’s room it was snow cold.Then we all saw it.The black thing i saw the day before.we all ran out but tommy he was still in the house.he were hiding the car for like 10 min but he did not come out so we drove away.after the cops came found nothing.we moved away and never heard of tommy again.


Created with images by SurFeRGiRL30 - "Worthington State Forest" • eggrole - "forest of trees" • Jason Lander - "Haunted House"

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