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What is Prarambh?

Under Prarambh, educational institutions run two campaigns for an entire academic year

Campaign 1

Follow the monkey (Waste Management)

Learning by Play method is the most effective tool Follow the monkey uses the 4 monkeys inspired from the wise monkeys ,promoted by Father of nation Ghandhiji as a tool. The monkeys are used as characters to educate and spread awareness on waste management.

The goals of the project is to Create zero waste institutions and in the process empower the students with knowledge on waste management.

Campaign 2

S-miles (Safety for miles)

We strive daily to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Extension of this has to be done on Road . Through Smiles ; safety for mikes the students educate their families and in the process learn themselves to follow rules for Road Safety.

Both the campaigns under Prarambh are aimed at making educational institutions zero waste models and adopt 1 kilometre of their roads to become safe .

Educational Institutes Participated

Follow the monkey

1. Infrastructure Setup

2. Awareness

2.1 Induction

2.2 Yearlong Activities

Calendar of activities

2.3 Educational Workshops

3. Additional resources for FTM


S-miles (Safety for miles)

1. Infrastructure

2. Awareness

3. Additional resources for S-miles




"It is privilege for Anand Vishwa Gurukul School & Junior College to initiate waste management project in able guidance of R Nisarg team.FTM marshal programme and Road safety marshal programme has generated lot of awareness among students. We are determined to become a zero waste school with active participation of our junior marshals. I am very thankful to the R Nisarg team for guiding us on plastic waste & making students self-reliant when it comes to its disposal.Along with that awareness about the use of reusable menstruation cups has provided insight regarding hygiene & safety to our female staff members.Great going R Nisarg Foundation team!! "

Dr.Seema Hardikar, Principal, Anand Vishwa Gurukul School & Junior College

Project Achievements

Project Road SMiles being discussed with Shri Nitin Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport & Highways
Meeting with Shri Aditya Thackrey, Cabinet Minister of Tourism & Environment, Govt of Maharashtra
Presented a paper on Prarambh at International Conference on Sustainability in Education

Project Statistics

A movement begins..

A city which generates 750 metric tons of daily waste and has daily accidents due to unsafe road habits

Through Prarambh will empower more than 3 lakh students

To solve the burning issues of Waste Management and Road Safety

Prarambh in Education Institution

Right behavioural pattern included at early age becomes a good habit


Unknowingly Wrong

Uses only Brain and Heart

Spitting or throwing things out of the moving vehicle

Knowingly Wrong

Uses Brain and Hand

Choices made out of convenience despite being aware of the fault

Knowingly Right

Uses Brain and Hand

Awareness of the results of ones action leads to a healthy change

Unknowingly Right

Uses Heart and Hand

Repeated good actions become a Habit .. And a Habit is hard to change !!

Enrollment details

Enrollment Forms

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Let’s all be part of a global solution!!


Created with images by "Payal Shinde"
