A day without women is like a day without sunlight. You wouldn’t be able to see or do anything. That’s why on March 8th of every year, we celebrate the women in our lives through International Women’s Day.
On this day, women go out, wear red, and march with others to fight for equal rights. Protest might be held or even rallies all over the world, not just in the U.S.
“Women are starting to stand up for themselves more, and we are realizing that we don’t have to put up with a culture that oppresses us just for being women.” says a woman in a CNN article. Now we are seeing more and more women every day making a difference somewhere around the world. Even if its a small thing like a march, women are still getting their voices heard.
"Denying the rights of women and girls is not only wrong in itself, It has a serious social and economic impact that holds us all back. Gender equality has a trans-formative effect that is essential to fully functioning communities, societies and economies."
As you can see, women can impact the world in many ways. Even if we can get our voice heard through a simple march, we will do anything to change women’s rights. So, are you ready to change the world?
Created with images by mollyktadams - "Women's March on Washington - 1/21/17"