Welcome to the 2024 Georgia Football Home Season! We are so excited to host you in the SkySuites during the upcoming season, with our first home game held on Saturday, September 7th.
This policy manual contains all policies, procedures, and expectations SkySuite Holders and guests are expected to uphold on game day.
Sanford Stadium Ticket Policies
- All SkySuite game tickets will be on a mobile platform.
- A valid (unused, unscanned) physical ticket is required to enter Sanford Stadium.
- A mobile ticket will be required for all individuals, regardless of age.
- Mobile tickets are NOT to be printed. Printed tickets will not be accepted at the gates.
- Mobile tickets may be transferred via the online account.
- Re-entry is not permitted into Sanford Stadium. Guests who leave Sanford Stadium must have a valid un-scanned mobile ticket to re-enter.
- If you are experiencing ticket issues, visit the Sanford Stadium Will Call window, located on East Campus Road between Gates 5 and 6 on game day, or contact them at 706-542-1231.
Sanford Stadium Gates & Entry Policies
- For the 2024 home season, Gates to Sanford will open two (2) hours prior to kick-off.
- The Sanford Stadium Clear Bag Policy is in effect for the 2024 home season.
Please note: Field Street will close 2.5 hours prior to kick-off to accommodate pedestrian traffic. SkySuite holders and guests who have Field Street parking will be re-routed to East Campus Road to access their Field Street Parking.
Any SkySuite Holders who utilize a Field Street Parking Pass must move their car from the roadway no later than 90 minutes after the game is completed. Cars not moved by this time will be towed by the UGA Police Department.
SkySuite Standing Room Only Ticket
- 4th Quarter Passes are no longer offered as part of the SkySuite contract.
- Instead, SkySuite Holders have the ability to purchase a limited amount of Standing Room Only (SRO) tickets in each suite for the season.
- SRO tickets are not available for single game purchase and MUST be purchased prior to the season beginning.
- SRO tickets will be mobile tickets.
- SRO ticketed guests are permitted to access the SkySuite at gates open, two (2) hours prior to kickoff, and can remain in the suite until the SkySuites close, one (1) hour post-game.
SkySuite Locations & Hours of Operation
Director's Suites
- The Director's Suites consist of one (1) floor of suites, located on the 3rd level of the South side of Sanford Stadium.
- Director's Suites located on the 3rd floor have a designated number between 351 and 356.
- Director's Suites guests have access to SkyClub, beginning two (2) hours prior to kick-off, and ending one (1) hour post-game.
- Director's Suites will open at gates open, two (2) hours prior to kick-off, and will close one (1) hour post-game.
South SkySuites
- The South SkySuites consist of two (2) floors of suites, located on the 4th and 5th levels of the South side of Sanford Stadium.
- South SkySuites located on the 4th floor have a designated number between 400 and 424.
- South SkySuites located on the 5th floor have a designated number between 500 and 524.
- All South SkySuites will open at gates open, two (2) hours prior to kick-off, and will close one (1) hour post-game.
North SkySuites
- The North SkySuites consist of one (1) floor of suites, located on the 4th level of the North side of Sanford Stadium.
- North SkySuites have a designated number between 451 and 479.
- North SkySuites will open at gates open, two (2) hours prior to kick-off, and will close one (1) hour post-game.
SkySuite Entry Process
Director's Suites
- Director's Suites guests are recommended to enter Sanford Stadium at the 1929 Club Gate.
- Guests will have their Director's Suites mobile tickets scanned and clear bags checked by the security staff located on gate level.
- Once Director's Suites guests have entered Sanford Stadium, they will access the 3rd floor via Elevator "P" from the Field Street entrance.
- Upon entering the Director's Suites Level, a Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff member will scan the mobile Directors Suite's tickets for a second time. This second scan is called an Access Verification scan.
- Each guest will be wristbanded at entry after their tickets have been verified.
- Wristbands must be worn at ALL times.
South SkySuites
- South SkySuite guests are recommended to enter Sanford Stadium at the East or West entrance of the Reid and Cynthia Parker South Tower Lobby.
- Guests will have their South SkySuite mobile tickets scanned and clear bags checked by the security staff located on gate level.
- Once South SkySuite guests have entered Sanford Stadium, they will access the 4th and 5th floor via Elevators "J" and "K" from the Field Street Lobby.
- Upon entering the South SkySuite Levels, a Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff member will scan the mobile South SkySuite tickets for a second time. This second scan is called an Access Verification scan.
- Each guest will be wristbanded at entry after their tickets have been verified.
- Wristbands must be worn at ALL times.
North SkySuites
- North SkySuite guests are recommended to enter Sanford Stadium via the North Premium Gate, located in Tate Plaza, or Gates 2 or 4 located on the North side of Sanford Stadium. Guests will have their North SkySuite mobile tickets scanned and their bags checked at these gates.
- Once North SkySuite guests have entered Sanford Stadium, they will access the North SkySuites via Elevators "A" and "B" located near Gate 2 on the West side of the stadium, or Elevators "C" and "D" located near Gate 4 on the East side of the stadium
- Upon entering the North SkySuite level, a Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff member will scan the mobile North SkySuite tickets for a second time. This second scan is called an Access Verification scan.
- Each guest will be wristbanded at entry after their tickets have been verified.
- Wristbands must be worn at ALL times.
SkySuite Re-Entry Process
Director's Suites
- Should Director's Suites guests desire to access the general seating area of Sanford Stadium, they will be required to show their mobile ticket and have the correct wristband to re-enter the Director's Suites. Guests who do not have both will not be permitted access to the Director's Suites.
- Guests will utilize Elevator "P" located on the West end of the hallway, to access the general seating bowl of Sanford Stadium, as well as re-enter the Director's Suites.
South SkySuites
- Should South SkySuite guests desire to access the general seating area of Sanford Stadium, they will be required to show their mobile ticket and have the correct wristband to re-enter the South SkySuites. Guests who do not have both will not be permitted access to the SkySuites.
- Guests will utilize Elevators "J" and "K", located in the central SkySuite lobby, to access the general seating bowl of Sanford Stadium, as well as re-enter the SkySuites.
North SkySuites
- Should North SkySuite guests desire to access the general seating area of Sanford Stadium, they will be required to show their mobile ticket and have the correct wristband to re-enter the North SkySuites. Guests who do not have both will not be permitted access to the SkySuites.
- Guests will utilize Elevators "A", "B", "C", or "D" to access the general stadium and re-enter the North SkySuites.
Georgia Athletic Hospitality
- Georgia Athletic Hospitality is the Premium Seating management provider for the UGA Athletic Association.
- Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff, known as Ambassadors, are hospitality event support staff dedicated to providing all premium seating guests with exceptional customer service.
- Notify an Ambassador or Georgia Athletic Hospitality Manager if you need assistance during your time in the SkySuites.
SkySuite Administrators
- Each SkySuite will designate one (1) person to act as the Suite Administrator for the season.
- The Suite Administrator will be the main point of contact for the SkySuite. Their responsibilities include: Submitting all menu selections, receiving all communication and important emails from Georgia Athletic Hospitality, notifying fellow Suite Holders of important information, and providing feedback to the Georgia Athletic Hospitality Office on behalf of the SkySuite.
- The Suite Administrator does not have to be a Suite Holder on the contract.
- All Suite Holders must agree upon the designated Suite Administrator.
Stocking Day
- Due to continued construction at Sanford Stadium Suite holders will have the ability to access their SkySuite to stock alcoholic beverages and other personal items needed for game day only once during the season.
- The 2024 SkySuite Stocking Day will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd from 12:00pm to 5:00pm, Wednesday, September 4th from 12:00pm-5:00pm, and Thursday, September 5th from 12:00pm-5:00pm.
- In order to access the SkySuite, suite holders must make an appointment. Emails will be sent the week prior to September 1st with a link to schedule your stocking appointment.
SkySuite Stocking Partners
- For the 2024 season, we will continue working with Five Points Bottle Shop and ABC Bottle Shop for alcohol delivery.
- Once alcohol orders have been delivered, Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff will stock all suite coolers and cabinets as necessary.
- If you have specific requirements for your suite cooler or fridge stocking, we would be happy to assist you. Please contact Karsyn Burdette at karsyn.burdette@uga.edu with directions and information.
Please note: If you choose to use Five Points Bottle Shop or ABC Package, you will not need to make a Stocking Day appointment. Georgia Athletic Hospitality will work directly with their teams for delivery.
Proof of the Pudding
Proof of the Pudding is the exclusive caterer for the SkySuites at Sanford Stadium.
2024 Game Day Menus
- Each SkySuite's Suite Administrator will select the menu for each game through the Georgia Athletic Hospitality online portal.
- Menu selections will be due the Thursday of the week prior to the home football game (nine (9) days prior to game day).
- Menus for the 2024 season can be found at the button below.
- Complimentary Coca-Cola products: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, and Dasani Water, will be available in-suite.
- Game day snacks, a hot dog bar, desserts and additional beverages will also be available in the lobbies of each SkySuite Level.
2024 Game Day Additional Order Menu
- On game day, a small menu of assorted items will be available for purchase in the SkySuites.
- Below are the offerings included in the game day menu.
- Any game day order must be charged to a credit card on game day in the SkySuite via a handheld Point of Sale device by Proof of the Pudding. No additional items ordered on game day will be charged after the game.
C&C Janitorial Services
C&C Janitorial Services is the exclusive janitorial services provider for the SkySuites.
If your SkySuite requires cleaning attention at any time, please notify your Georgia Athletic Hospitality Suite Attendant and they will notify C&C Janitorial Services to assist you.
Stadium People
Stadium People is the exclusive security provider for the Premium Seating gates as well as the SkySuites.
Stadium People staff will scan your SkySuite mobile tickets and check your clear bags upon entry at the Premium Area gates.
Stadium People staff will also be available within all SkySuite levels to provide assistance to guests on game day as needed.
SkySuite Alcohol Policy
- Underage drinking is strictly prohibited. Guests must be 21 years old to consume alcoholic beverages.
- No alcoholic beverages may leave the SkySuite levels or Sanford Stadium.
- Guests seen entering stairwells or elevators with alcoholic beverages will be asked to dispose of the beverage or risk ejection from the SkySuites and Sanford Stadium.
- Intoxication and disorderly conduct will not be tolerated.
- Guests abusing the Alcohol Policy risk ejection.
SkySuite & Sanford Stadium Guest Conduct & Expectations
- All SkySuite holders and guests are expected to conduct themselves in a thoughtful and courteous manner at all times.
- Any guests displaying unsuitable behavior, including but not limited to: abusive acts, vulgar behavior, intoxication, or disorderly conduct, may be removed from Sanford Stadium and risk revocation of tickets.
- Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Tobacco products, including the use of e-cigarettes, are not permitted in Sanford Stadium. UGA is a smoke/tobacco free campus.
- Any violation of the SkySuites or Sanford Stadium policies will result in ejection and revocation of mobile tickets. The UGA Athletic Association reserves the right to revoke your SkySuite tickets at any time.
Student Athletes & NCAA Compliance
- Per the NCAA, current UGA student-athletes and their family members are NOT permitted to be guests in the premium areas.
- All SkySuite holders and guests are expected to follow all NCAA policies.
- In the case of an emergency, notify a Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff member immediately. Georgia Athletic Hospitality will notify EMTs and on-site medical staff.
- The first aid room is located on the 200-Level concourse on behind the Press Box near section 229.
Lost Child
If you fail to locate your child, please notify a Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff member. Georgia Athletic Hospitality will notify authorities to assist.
Fire Protocol
- In the case of a fire, the SkySuites are equipped with fire detection and alarm systems.
- Please follow the instruction of the Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff should a fire emergency occur.
Severe Weather
- Should inclement weather arise, please follow the instructions of the Georgia Athletic Hospitality Staff.
- If necessary, seek shelter away from windows and in the restrooms in the SkySuites.
Updates for the continuation of the game will be announced by the University of Georgia Athletic Association.
Emergency Evacuations
If a full evacuation is necessary, uniformed personnel and Georgia Athletic Hospitality staff will direct patrons to the nearest exit.