Adventures of George and Lennie
Table of contents
Work cited......................................................................................................................4
In the book of mice and men Steinbeck portrays two friends Lennie and George and the bond they share between each other friendship because it basically the main idea in the story. Steinbeck shows that In the story many times he also shows that lennie has the inability to remember a single thing but George is constantly reminding him and that what friendship is about. The letter is explanation to why george did what he had to do in the letter friendship is important it explains the pain and suffering that George is going through. The eulogy is the last part it geroge talking about Lennie to everybody at the funeral he talks about the adventures they had and important Lennie was two him and how much the farm meant to Lennie.
The friendship bond was between Lennie and George, who share each other’s talents and abilities to fulfill each other’s needs. George helps Lennie out in all situations, with health, safety, and mental stability, and is his guardian through all times, whether it is good or bad. George gives all the care and advice he can to Lennie. This is shown when George and Lennie are travelling to the ranch, and Lennie stops to drink out of a pond of dirty water. “Lennie! Lennie for god sakes don’t drink so much”… “Lennie, you gonna be sick like you was last night!” (3) This quote shows that George is concerned about Lennie’s health and well-being, and that Lennie does not know any better, by drinking dirty water. He plans Lennie’s life, as well. George and Lennie show many times that they have s bond another time friendship is shown is when George "Because...because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that's why." pg. 14. Lennie looks for George guidance throughout the whole book this showing a great bond between Lennie and George.
Dear Lennie,
I stood by you for a long time. I always took care of you, did the talking when there needed to be talking, and most of all I never gave up on you. I know people were harsh, I know they was sometimes no good to you. I never dreamed everything that happened would come to that kind of end. I didn’t wanna do it Lennie I'm sorry I had to do it . I never even pictured in my head one day I may have to pull the trigger on my best friend. She asked you to touch her hair, and you did just what she asked...then things just went all wrong. I’m sorry Lennie. I really am. I just want you to know that I already miss you every minute you’re gone. Hopefully where you are now is a lot better than when you were here. Oh, and I hope you got you some rabbits there Lennie, and Mice to pet too. I promise when I see you again I won’t ever say anything about your rabbits or take your mice away from you. I promise Lennie, I promise. I hope you can one day forgive me I mad a big mistake just hope that it was worth it and saved you from any more harm. Lennie and I hope you understand I’m sorry.
People really didn't understand Lennie he was my friend but not just any friend we where much more than that. I spent every day with that fool, and I don't regret a single moment. Most of you picture Lennie as a kid. I will admit Lennie was big, but so was his heart. He could do the work of four men without a sweat the fool didn't even know his own strength and he never complained not once. He wouldn't do anything I said he believed in me and our Dream. I swear I could tell Lennie to walk into a lake and he would do it no questions asked cause that's the kind of person Lennie is. He was a good man you can tell him all of you secrets and you would know he would never repeat them to nobody besides the time he told candy but anyway. He never wanted to hurt anyone he just know the seriousness of what he was doing. Lennie loves to feel smooth things for the soft fur in his hands. He would try to keep mice but that never really worked out he always killed them not on purpose but from being the fool he is. We can learn a lot form Lennie how much he truly cares about things other might judge him in his mental disabilities. My time with Lennie was probably the best time I have ever had I'm really gonna miss him I will never forget rip Lennie.
Cited work
Pinterest." Pinterest. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men. Feb 26 1937