All About Mac When is it not?
For sports I play soccer, and run winter and spring track. Soccer is my favorite sport and I am decent at it. I run distance for track even though I don't like to run. I run distance because I like the people on the distance team, so they make it fun for me even though I am not very good.
These are my chickens back when they were 2 days old.
My dog Sydney
These are my pets. My dog is named Sydney. She is a miniature Australian Shepherd. In this picture she has an elf hat on for Christmas. She is a great dog, but is really overprotective with people she has never seen before, especially if it is just us kids at home. The other pictures are of my chickens. 2 of the chickens are almost 2 years old and the other 7 are 1 year old. The chicken by itself is Creig. She lays big blue eggs and is the nicest chicken. Creig is my favorite chicken.
My Room
This is me and my brother's bedroom. My bed is the one on the left. My brothers side of the room is always a mess. The top right picture is of our bookshelves. My dad and I made the bookshelves out of wood in the barn. The left picture is of my favorite books on the shelf. I love Rick Riordan's books and have read the whole Percy Jackson series more than 5 times. The books get better every time.
Me with my mom after a soccer game.
This picture is of me and my siblings. The oldest is Lizzie, she is a senior in high school and is the girl on the right side. My older brother is Tommy, he is a sophomore and is on the far right. My younger sister Grace, who is in 8th grade, is the girl on the left. I am the short one on the far left. The other picture is of my parents. My family is all really close to each other and enjoy each other's company... 99% of the time.