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TSUN 2020 Registration

It's been one crazy and hectic year. I can't believe it's January!

Registration for TSUN 2020 is open!!!

The TSUN 2020 Conference will be held at the end of April, from the 26th to the 29th in Corpus Christi, at the Omni Hotel.

Rooms are $149/night for a single occupant, or $159/night for a double occupancy. (These rates are only good if you book your rooms by March 26th, 2020.)

And, just in case you would like to extend your stay, the room rates are good for Wednesday night, 4/22/2020 through Friday, 05/01/2020.

You can reserve your room at the Omni Hotel by clicking on the link below

The actual TSUN registration is open now for Early Bird registration

Some changes to keep in mind -

  • Early Bird Registration runs through the end of February. The cost for Early Bird registration will be $375/person.
  • Regular Registration will begin March 1 and runs during the month of March. The cost of Regular Registration is $400/person
  • Late Registration runs from April 1 through April 15th, and that will be $450/person.
  • If you present a session, the registration is only $200.

We are working on the session list and should have most of those ready to go shortly. But, while we are working on the sessions, PLEASE let us know what kinds of sessions you would like. AND let us know if you would be interested in presenting a session this year!

We also need nominations for officers. The regularly scheduled position up for re-election is Communications Officer. So if you have someone you'd like to nominate for that position, nominations are now open. Just click the button below to send me ( an email.

We are also accepting nominations to finish the unexpired terms for Vice President - Finance and Vice President - Student. Jenny Shulz and Paul Ritter are leaving TSUN. Their districts will be using another software package. So please keep those positions in mind for nominations, as well. These positions will be up for reelection in 2021.

We will contact all nominees and verify that they are willing to run for the position, and get the ballots created.

As I said, both Paul and Jenny will be leaving TSUN. Their districts will be utilizing different student and finance software, so they are leaving the PowerSchool family. Their leadership has been invaluable, and we will hate to see them go. We know they will be successful and we wish them the best. Be sure to thank them for all their tireless work.

Vendor Sessions are Monday and Tuesday, so be sure to attend those! We couldn't do what we do without their continued support! If you see your favorite vendor, be sure to let them know. They need to be reminded that they are as much a part of TSUN as we are.

It will be a fun, informational, and exciting conference! We look forward to seeing you there!


Pictures taken by Allen Campbell. Picture may not be copied or reproduced without written consent from owner.


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