Risks of walking on the MOON! TAKE A STEP....... IF YOU DARE!!

It is very risky to walk on the moon, if and astronaut inhales the moon dust they can get really sick and die, but it matters how much you inhale. Some astronauts accidentally inhale a small amount, they get tired, go to sleep, and then they wake up the next day normal.

Another dangerous thing about the moon is the temperatures. During the day (which is 28 of our days) the temperatures can reach 250 degrees, but at night it can reach 300 below zero

To practice going to the moon, astronauts swim in giant tanks of water and are tested on emergencies that might happen in space. And I know those are mermaids but their were no pictures of astronauts.

The moon is 230,100 miles away so it would take 1 year, 1 month, and 2 weeks to arrive. So they have to pack a lot of things and the right amount of everything, that´s they need a really big rocket. The biggest rocket N.A.S.A has made is 322 ft tall and weighs 8.4 billion LBS, but the moon weighs 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter and is 1,079 miles.

Created with images by WouterHattingh - "half moon moon moon craters" • WikiImages - "moon walk astronaut astronaut suit" • jurvetson - "Strange Attractor" • dpstyles™ - "Live from the Atlanta Aquarium: Okay, so there's mermaids synch swimming with the sharks too!" • skeeze - "moon far side back"

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