- Color- Colorless, white, pink, green, gray, brown, black
- Streak- White
- Luster - Vitreous, pearly
- Mohs Hardness- 3.5 to 4
- Crystal Shape- Hexagonal
- Cleavage- Perfect, rhombohedral, three directions
- Chemical Composition- CaMg(CO3)2
Mohs hardness is 3.5 to 4
Q: two things that can be scratch by a dolomite rocks are?
A: biotite which has a hardness of 2.5 to 3 and a molybdenite which has hardness of 1 to 2
Q: what two things can the mineral dolomite scratch?
A: wollastonite which has a hardness of 4.5 to 5.5 and a kyanite with a hardness of 4.5 to 7
Q: Where is the Dolomite mineral found?
A: they are commonly founded in many European areas like Canada and Africa !!!
Q: how is this mineral used ?
A: this mineral is used in the construction industry like road based material (concrete,asphalt,railroad ballast, rip road or fill) it is also used for a acid neutral in the chemical industry.
- other interesting properties
- Diaphaneity -Transparent to translucent
- Diagnostic Properties - Rhombohedral cleavage, powdered form effervesces weakly in dilute HCl, hardness
- -It is not formed on the Earth’s surface rather underground in ancient rocks.
- It is used in the medical industry as a laxative to make magnesia.
- Dolomite is a type of limestone used to manufacture magnesium salts.
By: Laniya Everette
Created with images by WikiImages - "africa continent aerial view" • alexindigo - "Canada" • simonsimages - "IMG_0094d2"