Plate Boundaries By:Miranda Willer

There are 13 main plate tectonics but there are only 3 types of plate boundaries, divergent, convergent, and transform are the boundaries.

A divergent boundary is plates that moves away from each other. This picture is a example of a divergent boundary in Iceland. divergent boundaries and happen on land and in the ocean. Divergent plate boundaries create volcanic islands, mid-oceanic ridges, and rifts. The stress for this one is tension.

Thingvellir National Park
African Rift Valley
Iceland Rift

A world disaster is Hekla a volcano located in a rift erupted in 2000 and lasted for 2 weeks.

convergent boundaries are when plates move towards or under each other. convergent boundaries form mountains, or trenches. trenches usually make earthquakes. The stress for convergent boundary is compressional.

The himalayas
Mount whitney
Yosemite National Park

A real world disaster at Mount Everest was in 1922 a huge avalanche where 7 people died.

Transform boundary is where plates slide past each other. Transform boundaries stress is shearing. They make faults.

San Andreas fault
Blue Anchor Fault
Alpline Fault

A real world disaster is the san francisco earthquake along the San Andrea fault.

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