Plate Boundaries By:Miranda Willer
There are 13 main plate tectonics but there are only 3 types of plate boundaries, divergent, convergent, and transform are the boundaries.
A divergent boundary is plates that moves away from each other. This picture is a example of a divergent boundary in Iceland. divergent boundaries and happen on land and in the ocean. Divergent plate boundaries create volcanic islands, mid-oceanic ridges, and rifts. The stress for this one is tension.

A world disaster is Hekla a volcano located in a rift erupted in 2000 and lasted for 2 weeks.
convergent boundaries are when plates move towards or under each other. convergent boundaries form mountains, or trenches. trenches usually make earthquakes. The stress for convergent boundary is compressional.

A real world disaster at Mount Everest was in 1922 a huge avalanche where 7 people died.
Transform boundary is where plates slide past each other. Transform boundaries stress is shearing. They make faults.

A real world disaster is the san francisco earthquake along the San Andrea fault.