Back to School In Full Swing
All standard operating procedures are being followed.
Student's First Day at School for the Academic Session 2020-21
Students are being guided at each and every step in the school and all standard operating procedures are enforced to ensure the well-being and safety of everyone on campus.
Habib Public School has taken strict measures to ensure the well-being of its pupils without compromising on the high-quality teaching and learning sessions. The school has split the classes in to smaller sections to maintain social distance in the classrooms. Hand sanitizers are installed in front of each class, everyone on campus has been asked to wear masks during their stay at school, handshakes and hugs are ban at the campus and as usual with their commitment of quality education, the teachers used 21st century tools to deliver their lessons full of engagement and collaboration.
Students sitting far apart from each other to prevent the spread of COVID 19.
Students are engaged in healthy discussion during the lesson.
The teacher is demonstrating a concept during her lesson.
Teacher is discussing the narrating styles while students are taking notes of the learning gains.
Essay writing during Urdu class.
Physics teacher interacting with the students and asking students to solve real-life problems to assess their learning.
The Reopening of Schools and Minimizing the Transmission of Covid-19
FRIP Virtual Sessions
As always, the prime Legacy of Habib Public School in terms of the safety and the protection of its students and their staff is always particularly important.
Considering the precautions which are necessary to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 in school settings; however, care must also be taken to avoid stigmatizing students and staff who may have been exposed to the virus. Maintaining safe school operations or reopening schools after a closure requires many considerations but, if done well, can promote public health.
After a long trek of the pandemic, at the time of school reopening, this was considered as the essential need of the time to understand and take all necessary measures to keep the students, teachers & staff members safe from COVID when they return to school.
For the purpose, the team FRIP curated an hour long comprehensive online training session regarding the reopening of schools and minimizing the transmission of Covid-19 for our entire faculty, in two slots on Wednesday, September 9 and Thursday 10, 2020 respectively. This session was aligned with guidelines by WHO and CDC.
First Response Initiative of Pakistan (FRIP), helped the best ways that can reach out and spread enduring awareness about first response is to train teachers, who in turn impart these essential concepts to their students.
The online informative session delivered the guidance for the key messages and considerations for engaging school administrators, teachers and staff, parents, caregivers and community members, as well as children themselves in promoting safe and healthy schools. The main purpose was to deliver the actionable guidance at the time of school reopening was for the safe operations through the prevention, early detection and control of COVID-19 at school and other public places.
Education can encourage students to become advocates for disease prevention and control being at home, in school, and in their community by talking to others about how to prevent the spread of viruses.
An informative video and the instructional guidelines in poster form were also shared to be placed at prominent display for students and staff members.
The Team FRIP helped a lot in providing the basic important safety guidelines to be incorporated in the new normal and ease the routine operational practices at school for students and staff members.
First Virtual Library Convention 2020
This Convention is tailored to the challenges faced by teachers and students in the face of the pandemic around us and the role libraries can play in this.
AKU Section AKU-EB Results
Digital First Formative Academic Assessment in Collaboration with Quizizz and Zoom
‘Formative assessment’ refers to a wide variety of testing methods which are used to conduct in-process evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress during a lesson, unit, or course. It helps educators to identify concepts that students are struggling to understand, skills they are having difficulty acquiring, or learning standards they have not yet achieved so that adjustments can be made to lessons, instructional techniques, and academic support. At present, formative assessment is being used internationally because top leading and innovative educators and experts believe that formative assessment is an integral part of effective teaching. Possessing the same perception, Habib Public school uses formative assessment system to assist not only for teachers to successfully identify each student’s individual learning requirements but also to benefit the students to develop a stronger understanding of their own academic strengths and weaknesses. When students know what they do well and what they need to work harder on, it can help them take greater responsibility over their own learning and academic progress and this is what exactly the Habibian culture of collaborative learning.
Independence Day celebrations at schools often mean a beautifully decorated campus in ribbons and balloons of the national flag’s colours, students proudly singing the anthem and looking forward to present some amazing skits and song performances. But this year, Covid-19 had shut schools indefinitely and added a twist to the 74th Independence Day celebrations. The fervor remains, but most educational institutions had adopted for a virtual route.
At Habib Public School for instance, the patriotism found a digital expression. Talking about this year’s celebrations there had been a simultaneous proper programme with students participating virtually in all the sections of the school. Students presented a medley of patriotic songs, while there were also performance by the school band, speeches by the students both in English and Urdu, were all done online.”
Channelizing the creativity of students through an online exhibition and quiz were the key part of the celebrations. “We had a virtual art exhibition. We had many virtual programs based on the independence struggle.” Elaborating on the virtual painting competition planned for the occasion, “The key event of the day of course is the art exhibition because the entire school family, including parents of the students as well as students themselves, had their paintings exhibited virtually.”
Challenges of virtual celebrations remain, and experimentation had been the ultimate solution for schools and teachers. Combined efforts and support from parents had come across as crucial for letting the wheel of virtual learning move smoothly.
So, pandemic-induced lockdown or not, Independence Day had been celebrated, the ‘new normal’ way.
Section Leader's Message on Independence Day
HPS paid tribute to the legends of Pakistan on Independence Day 2020
Teachers celebrated the Independence Day by singing the National Songs
first virtual cppl conference
Habib Public School hosted its first three day virtual CPPL conference from June 13 2020 to June 27 2020 every saturday.
Principal's Message
Day 1
Breakout Sessions - Day 1
Breakout Sessions - Day 2
Day 3
Breakout Sessions - Day 3
Orientation Session Class VIII AKUS
“Always let your conscience be your guide”
The Virtual orientation session for parents of Class VIII of AKU section students was held on Sunday 05 July 2020.
The main purpose of the orientation session was to make parents& students, fully aware about the School policies, its Vision & mission, the Rules & regulations of the Examinations and assessment criteria, importance of counselling & digital etiquettes.
The Section Leader Ms. Fatima Rais, introduced the faculty and shared the School’s vision & mission. She emphasized about the importance of education and co-curricular activities. She also informed the parents about the core competencies that are focused through modern pedagogies and IT resources at the school.
The parents were also informed about the 21st century learner skills and attributes were discussed and parents were updated on the various ways that HPS ensures that students experience and imbibe creativity, innovation, communication and collaboration.
In the end, the Section Leader, Ms. Fatima Rais also catered the queries from parents and answer them to their utter satisfaction. The Principal, Mrs. Ainee Shehzad also addressed the parents and imparted her valuable views & suggestions.
The orientation session successfully brought together parents and teachers for the joint venture of their children’s education.
We warmly welcome our new cohort and look forward to working with our students and parents in unison.
Orientation Session Class IX & X AKUS
The Virtual orientation session for parents of Class IX & X of AKU students was held on Sunday 12 July 2020.
We believe that orientation is imperative for it acquaints the parents with the transitional phase and helps them in making their children ease into the school life at the Senior Section.
The main purpose of the orientation session was to make parents& students, fully aware about the School policies, its Vision & mission, the Rules & regulations of the Examinations and assessment criteria, importance of counselling & digital etiquettes.
The orientation session was presented by the Section Leader Ms. Fatima Rais and the Section Coordinator, Mr. Tariq Iqbal.
Ms. Fatima Rais, introduced the faculty and shared the School’s vision & mission. She emphasized about the importance of education and co-curricular activities. She also informed the parents about the core competencies that are focused through modern pedagogies and IT resources at the school.
The parents were also informed about the 21st century learner skills and attributes were discussed and parents were updated on the various ways that HPS ensures that students experience and imbibe creativity, innovation, communication and collaboration.
The orientation session successfully brought together parents and teachers for the joint venture of their children’s education.
The Principal Ms. Annie Shehzad shared her views and the session formally concluded with questions / answers queries from the parents catered by the Section Leader, Ms. Fatima Rais.
We warmly welcome our new cohort and look forward to working with our students and parents in unison.
Student's Activities
Online Enrichment Programmes
Club Activities