Phobia is described as the persistent fear of an object or situation. Maybe it is a natural instinct that make us learn to be scared of certain things.
Homophobia does not have a precise meaning for this fear because the concept does not involve any psychiatric aspect. But we could describe it as the discrimination to the homosexual people.
the homophobia is a problem that is very present in today´s society and it has generated a lot of different opinion for example in the church and people in politics
Today mass media has a great influence in people´s opinion and through the last years there has been a wider acceptance and toleration to homosexuality in media. But it is also affected by social media and television
There are a lot of advertising campaigns that have been released during the last few years defending the LGBT community. but there are some that are against it...
Due to the last campaign of an a organisation called ¨Hazte oir¨. Social networks also have echoed in the controversy since there is a violation of the LGBT law
on the other hand, social networks are tools that generate violence against this group.The social networks are generating much more homophobia; in fact, the social media is the third place in which there is more violence to homosexuals.People receive insults through Twitter, Facebook, and they also have the tool to create homophobic groups.
tHis campaign has caused a great stir but instead, the community manager not only has he been intimidated by the criticism, but he has also decided to answer to all those that praise the campaign and to those who criticize it.
In a nutshell, everyone should have the same rights and we should not hide the way we feel for fear of being judged or humiliated since each person is different and that is what makes us special.
The appearance of social media has given us an opportunity to give our opinion and encourage people to do the same, or even just to support a collective in the society. As one of our most important rights is the freedom of speech, is in our hands to express ourselves, and doing it by social media is a good way, because it will be read by thousand of people.
Although some times this comments had created controversy, some of them had had a positive reaction on those who were scared to express themselves or to tell the world their real sexuality. Here is one notorious example:
Famous people are the ones who are heard by the biggest amount of people, and as they know that, they use their influence to express themselves and encourage people of not being afraid of expressing their opinions. Here are some examples:
But not all the famous people is against it,the President of the United States, Donald Trump, violated the rights of this community without letting them decide with complete freedom their sex.
According to the bad effects, it is necessary to highlight how in every movie or TV show you watch the couple is always formed by a man and a woman.
his normalizes this type of relationships, and in the moment that a homosexual couple is formed, everything becomes weird. This should not be like that, as the homosexual people are just like the heterosexual, but with different tastes.
Even in Disney movies, which are the movies that start educating the youngest, the couples are always the princess that falls in love with a prince, but never a prince who loves another prince. The children that watch these movies are still really young and to not have a formed personality, so they admire the characters of these films and want to be like them
But as it is mentioned before, the television does not only influences in a bad way to the thought of homosexuality, but it also has a good impact.