Hib Vaccine by tayler williamson

Hib is a vaccine that prevents meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottis. These form for a bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae type b. Vaccinations begin at the young age of two months old and is given three more times before a child will turn one. Children and adults don't usually need the vaccine, but it can be recommended if an individual has some other diseases such as HIV.

1 and 20 children who catch the diseases brought on by Hib will die , and the remaining 1 and 3 children who survive it will have long term affects such as; loss of hearing and site. Giving this vaccine helps our future individuals make a bigger impact on the world!

If the Hib vaccine is not given you can develop one of the many disease brought on by it. Influenza for instance is a disease that affects the respiratory system. Signs of these are more then just the common cold, but are chills, fever typically running over 101, body aches, sore throat, and much more. When given the vaccine it can be a live cell inserted to help you body fight off the disease never allowing for you to get the full effects.

Another one of the diseases the Hib vaccine can help prevent is pneumonia. The signs of these are a sharp pain in the chest that increases when breathing in, fever, and a headache.

how pneumonia affects the body.

The last disease the vaccine helps prevent is meningitis. One you may hear less about follows with blotchy skin with rashes, drowsiness, and vomiting.

more signs of meningitis in children and adults.


Created with images by NIAID - "Syringe and Vaccine"


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