Georg Simon Ohm CHloe mashburn

Georg Simon Ohm was a German mathematician and physicist. Ohm was born on March 16, 1789 and passed away on July 6, 1854. Ohm started to be a professor of mathematician after he attended at Jesuits College of Cologne in the year of 1817.

Georg Simon Ohm

Ohm's parents were Johann Wolfgang Ohm who was a locksmith, and his mother was Marie Elizabeth Beck and she was a daughter of someone who was a sailor. Neither one of Ohm's parents were really educated, but Ohm was taught by his father Johann Ohm. Being taught by his father is why he is the mathematician he is today.

Ohm's Equation

Ohms law is a conductor that is between tow different points that directly proportional to the potential difference between the two different points.


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