Justinian For President LTJ By: Luke Jacobellis😎👑💂🏼

I ruled the Byzantine empire from 527-565 which is 38 years. I wanted to revive the glory of Rome. I conquered former Roman territories and my general conquered Vandal King and re-extended the Roman Empier to the Atlantic Ocean.

I think that I should be the president of the USA because I have a lot of experience. I employed 10,000 people to build the Hagia Sophia. And I am an expert military genral that will stop ISIS.

Theodora is my wife. She is the most powerful women in Byzantine history. And she protected women rights. She was raised in poverty and became an actor.

The Justinian code is made up of 4 books, 1. Constitutionum, 2. Digesta or Pandectae, 3. Institution and,4. Novellae Constitutiones Post Codicem. And I created the advanced alphabet. He made an alphabet to help education.

If you want to made america great again then vote for Justian for President.

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