
So much learning! Term 1B week 1

What a fabulous first week back we have had after the half term holiday packed with so much learning! The children have returned to school as more mature, independent, curious and committed learners. I have seen a big difference this week. The week kicked off on Monday with many of the children in Halloween outfits. Our work in English was based on the story ‘Pumpkin Soup’. We thoroughly enjoyed the story and rewrote it from the point of view of duck. In the afternoon, we continued our science learning on materials and completed our first experiment in year 2 where we investigated the absorbency of different kitchen towels. We dangled the paper towel in a pot of water for 30 seconds and watched to see how far up the paper towel the water travelled.

Our work in Geography is based on Our Great City - Newcastle. We located Newcastle within the United Kingdom using an atlas. We talked about how we are closer to the capital of Scotland than we are to the capital on England. Then we thought about local landmarks and looked at photographs to see which ones we recognised.

We have continued our work on addition and subtraction in Maths. We have been adding and subtracting single digit numbers to and from a two digit number bridging 10 and we began adding two two digit numbers using the dienes equipment.

We started some art working this week. We are developing our drawing skills this half term and began by using charcoal and experimented with the variety of ways it can be used.

To finish off, here are a few photos of the children sewing towards the end of last half term. They learned to sew using a running stitch and made a cute little purse which they will be bringing home soon.