Main reason for using land
The main reason that they use the land is for subsistence farming. Since they are making only enough to supply them with food they can’t make any income off the crops.
Natural Resources
The two precious and valuable resources found in Africa are gold minerals and diamond minerals.
Problems in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Armed rebels groups come and take control of the mines. They force people to work in mines, smuggle and sell the minerals to become more powerful. Government can not stop them and sometimes government leaders are taking bribes to stay out.
Which 5 nations have the highest GDP Per Capita in the region?
South africa-$ 11,100 ,Mauritius-$ 12,800 , Namibia $7,300 , Botswana- $9,200, Seychelles-$ 7,800
How many nations have a GDP per capita below $1,000?
The amount of States that have less than $1,000 for GDP per capita is 16.
Life Expectancy
28 of the 31 countries in the world are from Sub- Saharan Africa. This is because of HIV. 770,000 are from africa.
Three Kingdoms
The names of the Three West African Kingdoms were Ghana, Mali, Songhai. They existed between 800 CE and 1600 CE. They trade on the Trans-Saharan trade network. West Africans traded gold to Africans for salt. Slaves were a;sp traded pm this network.
There were Three West African Kingdoms called Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. They lived between 800 CE and 1600 CE. They traded on the Trans-Saharan trade network. West Africans traded gold to North Africans for salt. Slaves were also traded on this network.
According to the Koran, Muslims are not allowed to enslave other Muslims. This led many North African traders to obtain slaves from West Africa. Since many of these were taken as prisoners of war, their slaves were used for military service. They were treated better and had more freedom than what we know about Europeans taking slaves. They were not only able to obtain their freedom easier, but were also able to own property, their own slaves, and could even become leaders of Muslim armies.
Mansa Musa was probably the most powerful king, not just of Mali, but in any of the West African Kingdoms. He was Muslim and he went on a hajj in 1325 that became well known throughout the world. It included 60,000 people and 80 camels carrying 300 lbs. of gold each. On his return he brought back Muslim scholars and architects to build cities, and also mosques and schools in Timbuktu. Timbuktu became the center of trade and learning in West Africa. Muslim scholars from all over came to study religion, law, music, mathematics, and others there.
The first person to make the Three West African Kingdoms known to others in the world was the Muslim explorer Ibn Battuta. At age 21, he left his home city to go on a hajj to Mecca. He did not return for 30 years. He traveled 75,000 miles all over Africa and Asia, writing about the places he was going to. After he returned to his home country, he put his travel writings together in a book called the Rihla, which is still available today. It was the first travel book written in history