CWC High School The CWC High School is a place where teenagers can explore their faith and find a community of peers and leaders to walk alongside during the best (and worst) parts of their high school years.

Hello Parents,

I hope you are doing well. This is just a short letter to tell you about some of the things that have been happening around here. Enjoy!

Spring Break Retreat

Epic 6 hour snow ball fight!

We are a youth group that plays hard and prays hard

We are a youth group that not only loves to laugh and be silly, but we also love digging into the Word of God!

We are currently going through the book of Luke. I preach verse by verse through the Bible. We are talking about the Epic Life that Jesus lived. We have been talking about how we are called to not only like Jesus, but to be like Jesus. God is calling our Youth group to live Epically! Christianity is not boring, and it is not mundane.... To live your life for Jesus is the most exciting and epic thing that you can possibly do on this planet. I encourage you... to encourage your students to read ahead and know where we are at. I have been challenging the students to really make their faith their own... To know Jesus for themselves.... and to live into the Epic Life that I believe He is calling each one of us to live.

Did you know that 80% of teens who grew up in the church walk away from their faith by the time they get through college. Could it be because their faith was never truly their own?

I believe that now is the time for your students to make their faith their own. Parents, no longer can your students survive off of your faith. It is time that they experience Jesus for themselves!

I challenge you, parents, to get your high school students here! No matter what it takes! We meet at 10:00am every Sunday morning. We are now also meeting at 6:00pm every Saturday night!

God is doing Incredible things in the CWC High School!

Don't miss out on what God is doing here!

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me here at the church. The phone number is: 719-632-3311 and my personal email is
#awesomepeople #epiclife #goodfriends #goodmemories #Godisgood #lovelife #dude #bestfriendsforlife #notyouraverageyouthgroup #community #epic #life #igotsnowputdownmyshirt #socold #epicsnowballfight #coolparentsletter

If you want to know more about our youth group check out our web page by clicking Here. Or by checking out our Facebook page Here.

May God bless you big time! - Pastor Conor Craft.

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