
Student Centred Learning

Student-Centred Learning starts With the Teacher.

Allow Students to Share in Decision Making

Why is about relevance. Learners need to understand the value of the subject, vocabulary, and skills before they are willing to invest effort. What is learned involves students choosing the focus of content. Let their interests drive the content that teaches skills and concepts. How learning will be demonstrated depends on the different ways that students processes understanding. Offer a variety of product options based on what you know about your students. A safe approach is to offer three options. The teacher designs two options based on what most students may like to do. The third choice is a blank check -- students propose their own product or performance.

Believe in Students' Capacity to Lead

Recognise That Students Are Reflections of Us as Learners

Give Up Need for Control


Created with images by JhonDL - "education student boy" • geralt - "traffic signs place-name sign training" • LeeJeongSoo - "lecture instructor lecture room" • PublicDomainPictures - "classroom students school" • geralt - "differential calculus board school" • jerrykimbrell10 - "chalkboard classroom teacher" • Tumisu - "online course teacher"