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Education Careers Newsletter - Spring 2022

Porterville College Education Careers Program

The Education Careers Program at Porterville College provides future educators with information and resources to succeed in their education at Porterville College and beyond. The services offered include counseling and advising, career path guidance, workshops, information sessions, university campus tours, and more! Keep up with our virtual newsletter for our latest events and for resources that benefit future educators.

Spring 2022 Events

Substitute Teaching Permits in California

  • Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit (Day-to-Day Substitute Teaching)
  • Emergency Substitute Teaching Permit for Prospective Teachers (For individuals who have not earned a Bachelor's or higher degree)
  • Emergency Career Substitute Permit (For individuals with 3+ years of substitute teaching in one school district)
  • Emergency Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Permit for 30-Day Substitute Teaching Service (For substitute teaching in Career Technical Education [CTE] classes)

Here we highlight the two most common Substitute Teaching permits: The Emergency Substitute Teaching Permit for Prospective Teachers authorizes the holder to serve as a day-today substitute teacher in any classroom, including preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1-12 inclusive, or in classes organized primarily for adults. The holder may serve as a substitute for no more than 30 days for any one teacher and may only serve for a maximum of 90 days during the school year. In a special education classroom the holder may serve for no more than 20 days for any one teacher during the school year. The permit is valid for one year and may be renewed only once.

Requirements for Initial Issuance

  • Individuals may submit their application packets directly to the Commission office or through their employing agency. The application packet must include all of the following:
  1. Official transcripts showing completion of a minimum of 90 semester units of course work from a regionally-accredited four-year college or university. If a transcript shows units transferred from another institution, the letter verifying enrollment (see no. 2 below) must specify the number of units transferred that were accepted toward completion of a bachelor’s degree.
  2. Verification of current enrollment in a regionally-accredited four-year California college or university. This may be verified by an original letter from the registrar of the office of admissions, or official transcripts showing current work-in-progress.
  3. Completed application form 41-4 and, if not previously submitted to the Commission, a completed Live Scan receipt form 41-LS
  4. Initial or Renewal /Reissuance Application Processing Fee Form 41-4 $100

The Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit: Authorizes the holder to serve as a day-to-day substitute teacher in any classroom, including preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1-12 inclusive, or in classes organized primarily for adults. The holder may serve as a substitute for no more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year, except in a special education classroom, where the holder may serve for no more than 20 days for any one teacher during the school year. The permit is valid for one year and can be renewed.

Requirements for Initial Issuance

  • Application packets submitted must include all of the following:
  1. Official transcripts showing the conferral of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
  2. Basic skills requirement additional information
  3. Completed application form 41-4 and, if not previously submitted to the Commission, a completed Live Scan receipt form 41-LS
  4. Initial or Renewal /Reissuance Application Processing Fee Form 41-4 $100

*Once you have applied and have been granted a Substitute Teacher Permit create a free account where you can look for local substitute teaching positions and Apply via your Edjoin account. Tips please have a current resume, cover letter and at least two references to submit with your edjoin substitute teacher application. For assistance with developing or updating your Resume and Cover Letter contact Porterville College Career Center (559) 791-226.

AB130 - Meet the Subject Matter Requirement through One of the Following Methods:

  1. Successful completion of coursework, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation that addresses each of the Commission-adopted domains of the applicable subject matter requirements.
  2. Successful completion of an academic major in the subject they will teach.
  3. A combination of coursework and examination options that meet or exceed the domains of the subject matter requirements. Such mixing of options may only be done by candidates enrolled in a Commission-approved preparation program that allows for this option.

Applying for Education Jobs on EdJoin.Org

Visit and click the "Login/Register" tab at the top of the page. Click "Register" to create an EDJOIN profile, then go to "Job Search" at the top of the EDJOIN screen. Filter through the job search criteria and scroll through the listings until you find the one you wish to apply for. Review the posting and record any information you may need later such as Contact Information, Job Description information, Salary, etc. Click the “Click Here To Apply” link found to the right of the posting.

California Mini-Corps Program

California Mini-Corps participants are full-time, undergraduate students who are pursuing a career in education. Mini-Corps participants work as teacher assistants in public schools providing direct instructional services to migrant children.

California Teaching Fellows Foundation

Teaching Fellows are undergraduates employed in classroom tutorial and after school programs, who: are enrolled in a community college or university, strive to maintain a 3.0 grade point average, participate in monthly professional development

Meet a Local Principal

Jacqueline Pennell-Meredith

If someone asked me to choose my favorite occupation I've held, I'd say teacher, principal, veteran, and mom - and not necessarily in that order. It honestly depends on the day. Looking back, it seems that I was meant to have all those roles. Steve Jobs once said, "We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else even be here?" I grew up in a small town in Ohio, just like Porterville, but I dreamt of the bigger world and wanted to put a dent in the universe. I dreamt of learning by experience. After joining the US Army shortly after college, I was allowed to do just that. Living in Germany, Korea, Panama, and many states in the US, I found myself immersed in different cultures, languages, cuisine, and my passion for learning began. In education, as in travel, you must learn how to adapt. During the day, you may need to be a listening ear or a helping hand while remaining the enthusiastic teacher in the front of the room. You are unconsciously forced to tap into your abilities through technology, art, music, books, sports, etc., and think outside the box. But most importantly, you become the true student as you learn that your students are your heroes. Taking responsibility to read for 15 minutes every night makes each student a hero. Practicing patience while playing four-square at recess makes them a hero. Learning the power of celebrating a classmate's accomplishment, big or small, makes them a hero. Learning during Covid makes them a hero. Sometimes I think I've learned more from my students than all my years of personal experience combined. So my best advice to you is never stop learning. See each day as a chance to be 10% better than you were yesterday. And lastly, take advantage of the opportunities to learn inside the classroom here at Porterville College, just as much as you do outside the classroom. As the educator, John Dewey, said, "any knowledge you gain is education."

Meet a Local School Counselor

Delia Salas

My journey throughout post-secondary education hasn't always been the easiest, but it has always been worth it. I started my higher education journey at Porterville College in the fall of 2010 as a concurrent high school student. After graduating from Monache High School in 2012, I attended Porterville College full-time. Due to all of the courses that I had taken while in high school, I was able to graduate from Porterville College with my AA in Social and Behavioral Sciences within a year. My experience at Porterville College was awesome! My professors were extremely knowledgeable and created a positive learning environment. During my time at PC I also received EOPs services and worked for Mini Corps. I then transferred to CSU Bakersfield to pursue my Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Throughout my undergraduate career, I began substituting for Burton School District and Porterville Unified School District. I knew I wanted to work with at-risk youth, my career plan was to become a juvenile counselor in a youth correctional facility. Upon completing my Bachelor's Degree, I realized that I wanted to work in an educational setting as a High School Counselor. In August of 2018, I was admitted into the Educational Counseling program at CSU Bakersfield. My Graduate program was amazing! I truly felt like I was pursuing a career that I was going to be passionate about. I completed my internship hours at various schools in Porterville: Summit Charter Intermediate Academy, Granit Hills High School, Monache High School, and Pioneer Middle School. The experience I gained at all of those sites is invaluable. I graduated with a Master's of Science in Educational Counseling with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in May of 2020. In July of 2021, I was honored to be hired by Burton School District, I am the newest Counselor at Summit Collegiate High School. I am truly so humbled to be able to serve and give back to my community. At SCHS, we have great pride in our relationship with Porterville College. Many of our students take dual and concurrent courses with PC. We are thrilled to share that 21 Seniors will be graduating with an Associate's Degree from Porterville College in May of 2022. As a first-generation college student, I can say my experience at Porterville College paved the way in my Higher Education journey, there I gained confidence in myself and my abilities to follow my goals. --

Contact Us!

Educational Advisor Jackie Escareno and Counselor Ana Ceballos

Have Questions? Contact us at


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