Negative Impacts of Illegal Immigration on Society By Brian Jasiurkowski
Thesis: Illegal Immigration has many harmful effects on the economy, crime rates, levels of employment in the country, on drug use, and on the black population of the country.

Introduction: Illegal immigration has more negative effects than positive ones on the Untied States. illegal Immigrants drain government budgets and pay little to no taxes in addition to taking jobs from hardworking citizens, smuggle drugs, and raise the crime rate.

Illegal Immigrants entering the country drain state budgets by using many public services such as public schools and paying little to no taxes hurting the state budgets. In addition when they are detained more money is spent on their incarceration.

Many lower educated citizens in the United States loose their jobs to illegal immigrants coming into the country and performing their work for less pay frequently even below minimum wage. While this may be good for big businesses it is bad for the common people and the general population as it only increases poverty in the country which further can lead to crime and drugs.

Drugs are frequently smuggled and used by some illegal immigrants entering or already in the country. According to The Washington Examiner" In 2014 illegal immigrants were responsible for almost 75% of all federal drug possessions." Using drugs in the United States leads to many illegal immigrants getting incarcerated which in turn drains state budgets.

Illegal immigrants commit a disproportionate amount or crime within the United States compared to other demographics. This is harmful for obvious reasons. The criminal activities range from drug possession, rape, kidnapping, and to varying degrees of murder.

Illegal Immigration also has a negative effect on the black population of the United States. Dr. Hanson carried out a study according to which he found that “a 10 percent immigrant induced increase in labor resulted in a 4 percent decrease in black wages in addition to a 3.5 percent decrease in the employment of African Americans and an increase in .8 percent of the incarceration of African Americans.”

In summary illegal immigration has to be, for the well being of the citizens of the United States, cracked down on and greater security measures must be taken in order to prevent people illegally crossing the border into the United States. While immigration helps the United States illegal immigration does not.

Sources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ___________________ 8. 9. 9. 10.