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Battle of the birds By: Gretchen Turner

On Monday, Sept. 13, the Cards faced off against the Falcons. Varsity lost to the Falcons 3-0.

The varsity Cards come into a huddle before the game starts. The JV team wished them luck as they ran into the center of the court.
(left) Senior Emily Galbraith serves the ball to the opposing Falcons. (right) Varsity libero, junior Kyiah Strode, prepares to pass the ball.
Sophomore Macy Chafin (left) and junior Haley Kiefner (right) transition in the middle of a play.
(left) Chafin jumps to set the ball. Junior Olivia Acker (left) attacked from the outside to hit. (right) Junior Marianna Martinez passes the ball from the middle of the court.
The SHS student section cheers on the Cards in a time-out during the varsity game.

JV successfully played the Falcons, they won their game in three sets, finishing 2-1.

Junior Varsity players, sophomore Ashlynn Whiteside (top left), freshman Madison Rayburn (top right), sophomore Meagin Hurst (bottom left) and freshman Victoria Rwizi (bottom right) introduce themselves prior to the start of the game.
Hurst, the JV libero, subs in for sophomore Darcy Leber at the beginning of the game.
(left) Whiteside jumps and sets the ball. (right) Sophomore Hailee Schultz goes up to tip the ball, scoring the point.
Leber jumps to tip the ball over Perry's block. Schultz (left) came into cover. Leber placed the ball in the middle of the court, scoring a point for the Cards.
Schultz jumps to attack the ball. Hurst and freshman Ryleigh Hamilton came into cover against the block.
Leber and Rayburn jump to block the ball. The block was close, but they missed.
Freshman Paige Mayer jumps and swings on the ball. The Falcons attempted pressing the ball back, but failed.