What are the key steps to achieve Nirvana?
- Listen to the Four Noble Truths
- Follow the Eightfold Path
- Have the right view of things
- Have the right intentions
- Speak the right words
- Choose a right livelihood
- Practice the right effort
- Practice the right mindfulness
- focus your mind
- Meditate
- Treat people with kindness
- Treat people with compassion
- Uplift people
- Identify suffering
- find the cause of suffering
- Stop suffering
Created with images by rurik2de - "buddha phuket the big buddha of phuket" • saamiblog - "Read the text. A symbol of the eight fold path "Arya Magga" (the noble path of the dhamma) in early Buddhism. An intricate representation of the Dharmachakra, or Buddhist eight spoked Wheel. Dhamma or Dharma" • Akuppa - "Buddha"