MDG`S & SDG`S BY: Simon, Juan Ignacio, Nicolas

UN MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS: 8 goals for international development established in 2000 by the UN and targeted to be accomplish in 2015.

This goals were mainly created to improve the life of the poorest people around the world with a global partnership . This MDG wanted to eradicate poverty, hunger, diseases , lack of adequate shelter, and promotes gender equality, education, environmental sustainability, security. The leaders of 189 countries signed and committed to work in order to achieve this goals by the year 2015.

UN Sustainable Development Goals: 17 golas also known as Global Goals. Its purpose is to put a end to poverty around the globe, protect the planet and have peace and prosperity.

This goals were created due to the success of the MDG`s, while it also covers areas that the MDG did not such as: climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice. This goals are expected to be accomplish by 2030. They want to improve life in a sustainable way and also improve the living conditions of future generations. Also one of the main issues in this goals is to protect the global environment.

MERITS AND LIMITATIONS OF MDG`S: This goal had many impacts in policies of both developing countries. MDG`S have help to control and improve the quality of donors’ development cooperation policies. This golas were declared successful by the UN. This goals started to create awareness of better developing issues and policies. In 1990, 50 percent of the population in developing countries lived with $1.25 a day, in 2015, that proportion dropped to 14 percent. The number of people living in extreme poverty has reduced by more than 50 percent.

A limitation to the MDG`s is that they did not explicitly included persons with disabilities on their goals. This goal population have been margined by the MDG`s meaning that they haven't received the attention needed in order to improve their life quality. Persons with disabilities in poor countries are disproportionally higher exposed to poverty. This golas forgot to address disability, something essential in the reduction of poverty. The MDG`s effect on disable population is very severe, because it created a wider socio-economic gap between the ones who got benefits of the program and the one that did not. Example: GOAL 6: COMBAT HIV/AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES – HIV/Aids prevalence in mothers of children with disabilities is twice as high as in other groups.

MERITS AND LIMITATIONS OF SDG`S: The SDG`s are a very recent indicator, it is expected to meet the agenda set up by this goals in 2030. Now there are not only 8 goals, the SDG`s are 17 goals. This is a merit because this will help to address the aid into more sectors. Also now the focus is to create a sustainable environment were countries can economically progress in way it does not harm the environment. Also the SDG`s now include inside their goals aid to the persons with disabilities. In order to find any limitation of this goals, we have to wait and see how this goals have an effect on society.



References: UN Millennium Project | Publications. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2017,

Hunger, Poverty Facts, Statistics 2016. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2017, from

Businesses urged to embrace sustainability standards for SDG goals. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2017, from

U. (2015, September 25). Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs. Retrieved March 15, 2017, fromç

From MDGs to SDGs. (2017, February 20). Retrieved March 15, 2017, from


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