
Think-Pair-Make-Share Justin Hodgson | DGI Faculty Fellows Program

Think-Pair-Share is a popular Active Learning strategy used in classrooms across Indiana University. This activity is a modification of that tried and true strategy, including "making" as a key component and using what participants make as a way to guide the engagement.

30-second Overview:

  • Participants will be asked to spend a minute or two thinking of responses to a few key prompts.
  • Participants will then pair up and spend a few minutes discussing the prompts / responses.
  • Participants will generate key take-aways from that discussion (typically written in sentence form).
  • Participants will then make an image creation (combining image and text) that represents/conveys one "take-away".
  • Participants share their creations with the larger group.

Step 1 | Think

In 1-2 minutes, jot down some ideas / responses to either (or both) of the following questions:

  • What does it mean to be digitally literate (i.e., what is digital literacy?)
  • What does digital literacy or digital creativity look like in your discipline/field?

Be sure to write down or type out your responses. While sentences are preferred, these can be in note form at this juncture.

Step 2 | Pair

Step 2.1 - Partner up & Discuss

Locate a faculty fellow to partner up with (pairs are ideal; trios can work) and take 2-3 minutes to discuss your responses.

Step 2.2 - Write down a take-away

Take 1 minute to write down a key takeaway (or two) from your conversation

Step 3 | Make

Using the Adobe Creative Cloud Express tool, create an image (social media style, meme creation) that represents/conveys that takeaway.

3.1 Sign-in to Adobe Express

3.2 Create New Project

Click the "+" button (green arrow) to create a new project

Choose "Custom size graphic" (green arrow)

Select "Social Post" (green arrow), "LinkedIn blog post" (blue arrow), and click "Next" button (purple arrow).

This launches the basic interface, with a quick guide for menu options

  • Left menu (yellow rectangle) is used for adding elements to your canvas
  • Right menu (orange rectangle) is used for editing those elements and/or overall design
  • Click "Ok, got it" button to continue

3.3 Add Image

In left menu, select “Photos” (green arrow), type in image search term in search bar (blue arrow), select preferred image (purple arrow). This will add selected image onto the project canvas.

Adjust image: Click newly added image and then, in the Edit menu, toggle the “Add to background” button (green arrow) to fill canvas with image. Alternately, manually resize by clicking on image and then clicking and dragging the circular transform controls (blue arrow) at the edges of the image.

3.4 Add Text

In the left menu, select “Text” (green arrow), click “+ Add your text” button (blue arrow), and type in your text in the Edit Text menu text box (purple arrow).

  • Use the editing menu options to Edit/adjust the design, size, font, and effects as you desire.
  • The “Find a new style” button (orange box) will apply a range of present font, size, color, and effects choices.

3.5 Download Image

Once you are done editing the image and text, download the image by clicking the “Download” button (green arrow) at the top of the window. In the submenu, choose your file format (e.g., PNG) and click “Start download” button (blue arrow)

In addition to downloading the image as a PNG, JPG, or PDF, users can also share the image creation via a designated URL. While this is not part of this T/P/M/S activity, to generate a URL for the image creation, click the "Share" button next to the "Download" button.

Step 4 | Share

4.1 Add Image to SpatialChat

In SpatialChat, click "+" button (green arrow) and select "Add Image" (blue arrow) from submenu.

  • In "Add Image" window, add desired image by clicking "Select" button (purple arrow) and finding created (and downloaded) image on your computer.
  • Alternatively, users can just drag-and-drop the created image into the window.

One you have selected the image to upload (or dragged desired image into the Add Image window), click OK (green arrow). This will add the image to the Spatial Chat landscape (blue arrow).

  • Double-click the image to resize (using transform controls; purple arrow) and/or relocate (click and drag; orange arrow).

Step 4.2 Prepare to Share/Talk about Creations

You may be asked to share insights on your content, design, creation experience, etc.

Created By
Justin Hodgson


Created with images by BillionPhotos.com - "Ai." • Tierney - "Content marketing concept with person using laptop computer" • NDABCREATIVITY - "Technology software programming develop idea people concept" • Monthira - "Creative idea and innovation concept, Businesswoman hand holding light bulb with hologram in home office" • Jacob Lund - "Creative business group having a meeting" • Sergey Nivens - "Innovative idea in businessman hand"