Sabadell united bank Arantza martinez

About Sabadell

In 1881, Sabadell was founded in Spain. Sabadell is a global financial institution that offers services in all areas of the financial business sector. In Florida, Sabadell's operations include Sabadell United Bank and Sabadell's International Branch, both headquartered in Miami. The bank provides services to more than 40,000 clients and is considered, by deposits, one of the top ten largest banks in Florida. Currently, the bank has 26 branches throughout the state.


Sabadell operates under one common denominator: Professional performance and quality.

"Our values – expertise, reliability, empathy, integrity and innovation – are ingrained in our business, and the reason clients choose us. These values are reflected in the way we manage our business and are part of the reason we have consistently maintained exceptionally strong capital ratios and have grown to serve more than 40,000 clients in the U.S."

Internship Program Description

Sabadell Bank United offers a summer internship program every year.

Interns work with an assigned manager on multiple projects and different activities to gain experience working at a global financial institution. In addition, interns have direct exposure to a range of financial business areas. And interns work within supportive teams, which allows them to expand their connections.

Sabadell has internship openings in the following areas:

  • Compliance
  • Marketing
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Advisory Investments
  • International Corporate Banking
  • Operations
  • Commercial Planning/ Strategy
  • Wealth Management
  • International Private Banking


Sabadell is a global financial institution. Sabadell operates in 5 continents and 23 different nations. Some of Sabadell's international services include: International business financing, export services, import services, international consulting, etc.

International presence

Sabadell has a non-profit branch, Banco Sabadell Foundation. The purpose of Banco Sabadell Foundation is to stimulate intelligence and promote knowledge through grants, subsidies for research, and prizes. Banco Sabadell Foundation offers two awards: Banco Sabadell Foundation Prize for Biomedical research and Banco Sabadell Foundation Prize for Economics. Moreover, Sabadell's initiatives can be followed on social media with the hashtag #YoCreoTalento (#ICreateTalent).

The president of Sabadell, Dwight Hill, is a Warrington Alumni. Dwight Hill graduated with a BSBA in Economics from the University of Florida in 1978. Mr. Hill has over 35 years of experience in financial advisory.

Dwight Hill

GET IN touch

Raque Jordan is Sabadell's South Florida recruiter. You can contact at for questions or any feedback you wish to receive.

Recruiter: Raquel Jordan

Work cited


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