maryland-1788 corey beers

important leader

john smith was born in January of 1580 in the united kingdom. he was a English explorer and soldier. Also a founder of Jamestown. led expeditions exploring the Chesapeake bay and the new England coast. died on June 21,1631. he was knighted for his services to Sigismund bathory , prince of transylvania.


Maryland religion was Anglican ,and baptist. allowed all Christians to worship freely. also lots of catholics. from its founding Maryland was suppose to be a place for Catholics. freedoms we take for granted today were hard won by those who came before us.


though the temperature of Maryland swings from freezing rain, rainy winters, too boiling summers, it is extremely fertile for growing crops. very productive for tobacco. surrounded by mass waterways as the mid atlantic.


Maryland economy relied greatly on the production of tobacco. traded the plant to natives. also sent back to england. also sold rice,indigo. also involved in the iron industry



Created with images by Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "A general map of the southern British colonies, in America" • James Cridland - "Internet"


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