Bar Fight @ 1886 America's greatest bartender host UNDERGROUND COMPETItions

Bar Fight is a new series that America’s greatest bartender, Peter Loyd-Jones hosts monthly. What started as a fun way for bartenders to hang has become one of Los Angeles’ most talked about underground events.

The LA bartender, has won the annual Battle of Bartenders competition for the past six years. For the last seven months Jones has been hosting Bar Fight, in his South Pasadena bar, The 1886 at the Raymond. Jones created this monthly competition so rising bartenders could show off their creativity and knowledge and have fun. So far, Jones has drawn in bartenders from all over the U.S, Australia and Canada.

The competitions are filmed, timed, the ingredients and tools are selected by Jones. The challenge lays within the time restriction and unique ingredients to be used. Each competitor gets eight minutes to create, make and garnish the cocktail. Points are based off creatively, taste and presentation.

First cocktail to win a BarFight competition.
Here is February’s Bar Fight winner. Theme Valentine’s day flowers. Key Ingredient wildflower simple syrup

New York's greatest bartender VS. America's greatest.

House made syrups.
His and Hers cocktail.
The men who created Bar Fight @1886
Australia's best comes to compete @1886 BarFight night
1886 crew after a successful and fun Bar Fight @1886

The 1886 bar at The Raymond is located in South Pasadena and each event is filmed on the first Monday evening of each month. The crowd index has risen immensely with each competition, and many blogs, papers and tweets have created a huge hype.None of the episodes have been viewed by the public, yet.

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