Future Predictions!
Canada's population had a major increase over the past 50 years, between 1966 and 2016 Canada's population had nearly doubled. If the population growth rate continues to increase as it has in the past we would have a high growth rate and a very populated country. However, since the birth rate is shown to be decreasing gradually every year, it’s predicted to be very low in the nearby future of 2050. This is most likely to occur due to the natural increase rate, because women are predicted to be more focused on their careers than having children. Since education and job rates are increasing for women there isn't enough time to take care of many children. It is evident that these events seem to strengthen year by year and impact our population increase significantly.
Not only is the birth rate decreasing but so is the death rate due to the average life expectancy, which is increasing for many people. Currently the life expectancy for males is 80 years and for females it’s 84 years. These numbers are most likely to increase over the years. On the other hand, there is also the large number of baby boomers who seem to be increasing the death rate and will continue to up until 2050. The increase is also due to the Canadians that are around the same age as the baby boomers.
Although, they’ve been expected to have a longer life expectancy since health care is being improved. Canada is likely to have a slowly decreasing population by 2050. Soon both the birth and death rate will become equal or at least close to, which will decrease the natural increase rate, since there won’t be enough births to supports the deaths. Therefore Canada will need to rely heavily on immigration.
Future Predictions!
Within the next 34 years Canada's immigration rate is expected to increase largely, since the natural increase rate is likely to decline because of the slowly decreasing birth rate and death rate. Canada will need to replace the baby boomers by welcoming more immigrants. The population and economy will continue to grow by doing this.
To avoid big cities becoming overpopulated and creating issues regarding transportation and higher crime rates, immigrants are expected to settle in less populated provinces, for example Saskatchewan. When immigrants settle in rural areas schools, businesses and opportunities will open up in order to attract other immigrants.
Canada will have an tons of jobs and chances for employment available which should attract immigrants. To fill in the empty job positions and keep the economy running smoothly, Canada will need to admit many skilled immigrants. This for many people will also benefit them to better living conditions.
Future Predictions!
In 2050 a minimum of 7% of the total Canadian population is estimated to represent the aboriginal population. The aboriginal population growth is increasing much faster than the non-aboriginal population. If the education levels between the Aboriginals stay the same it may affect Canada by increasing poverty and homelessness rates. However, this is unlikely to happen since they seem to be improving.
Most of the Aboriginals in Canada are expected to have at least a high school diploma. The number of people Aboriginals without a high school diploma continues to decrease significantly. With school enrollment taken by aboriginal students increasing, more of them will have a stronger education base to rely on in the future. This will be very useful for them when they begin to look for a job while avoiding falling into poverty. By 2050 the majority of Aboriginal people are predicted to not face poverty, or unemployment for quite a long time.
Finally, over the next 34 years nearly half of the Aboriginal people will be living in a bigger city like in the Toronto area. Once the majority of the aboriginals feel that it is necessary to further pursue a higher education, better lifestyle or employment that can be found in more advanced cities then will this change occur. As education in the first nations increases so will other factors such as employment and income.
"A Brief Overview of Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada, 2011 NHS."YouTube. Statistics Canada. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaXidNaHGU0>.
"Canada's Total Population Estimates, 2013." Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. N.p. <http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/130926/dq130926a-eng.htm?HPA>.
Population and Demography." Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. N.p., n.d. <http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/subject-sujet/subtheme-soustheme.action?pid=3867&id=3871&lang=eng&more=0>.
"Rethinking Immigration: The Case for the 400,000 Solution." Theglobeandmail.com. The Globe and Mail. <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/rethinking-immigration-the-case-for-the-400000-solution/article2421322/>.
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