The MSU College of Human Medicine will host accepted applicants for First Look Day, where attendees will gain further access to administration, faculty, staff, and students. Along with meeting new friendly faces, attendees will enjoy a variety of fun, informative activities on our beautiful East Lansing campus. An optional student-led tour of the Grand Rapids campus will be available the afternoon prior to each First Look Day.
Participants must check in at the Radiology Building Atrium at 7:00am. Please feel free to review the First Look Day Agenda below. In addition, see VISITING EAST LANSING and VISITING GRAND RAPIDS to learn more about traveling to and lodging in each location.
Along with a light breakfast to start the day, we will also be serving lunch in East Lansing. Please be sure to indicate your food preferences on the RSVP form, provided via the email invitation.
The Radiology Building is located at 846 Service Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824. Parking on MSU's main campus will be validated for Visitor Lot #100, directly adjacent to the Radiology Building. There are two entrances into Lot #100. One is located at the northeast corner of the lot, directly off Service Road. The other entrance is on the west side of the lot, accessed from the drive leading to the Radiology Building. This parking lot is pay by plate. Please follow the directions below.
The machine will prompt the customer through the process. The steps will be in this order:
- Enter full license plate number.
- Purchase ticket- even though you are not actually purchasing a ticket.
- Select duration.
- Do you have a validation code? (Select 1 for yes).
- Enter validation code (CHMAD).
- Would you like a receipt? Yes or No? You do not need to put a receipt on your vehicle dash, so this option is up to you!
Entering Secchia Center from Michigan Street NE: Parking under the Secchia Center is best accomplished by using the #3 Michigan Street Parking entrance at the Bostwick Avenue traffic light. Immediately after turning north at the light, turn left (west) toward Secchia Center and follow the directions for parking.
- Take a Pink ticket at the parking gate and proceed, curving left go down the first slope of the ramp.
- At the bottom of the first slope you'll see the signs "Secchia Center Visitor Parking" and the Level P5 Secchia Center elevators.
- Please bring the pink ticket to the meeting so I can record the number on the card and give you your parking voucher ticket. Thank you!
It is not necessary to dress formally for the day--appropriate casual wear is fine. However, shorts, T-shirts, and tank tops are discouraged. Be sure to review the forecast and please dress accordingly.
Once again, congratulations on being accepted to the nation's pioneer community-based medical school! Whether from near or far, we hope you will join us to learn more about all the opportunities and experiences that a unique medical school like ours can offer. It is truly a special time to be a #SpartanMD. See you soon and Go Green!