5 types of potential ENERGY By adrienne W. & Erin H.

This is a picture of Adrienne and Erin when we were toddlers to what we look like now.


The definition of potential energy is stored energy that is a result of gravity pulling downwards relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors. There are five main types of potential energy Gravitational, Elastic, Electrical, Magnetic, and Chemical.

the gravitational potential energy shown in this photo will decrease as the person dives into the water


Gravitational Potential Energy is the energy stored in an object as the result of its height. Another factor that plays into gravitational potential energy is weight. Gravitational Energy is transferred into kinetic energy when the height changes it is evidence that the Gravitational Energy is no longer Potential.

THIS RUBBER BAND CONTAINS POTENTIAL Energy BECAUSE IT IS BEING stretched between the two fingers. Once the band is released, the elastic potential energy will become kinetic.

elastic potential energy

Elastic potential energy is potential energy stored because the compression or the stretch of an elastic object. Elastic Potential Energy is changed into kinetic energy once an object is released and that allows it to pull or push towards the equilibrium position.

This picture shows the attraction between the magnets and how the magnetic force will decrease depending on the distance between them

magnetic potential energy

Magnetic potential energy is stored potential energy as a result of the the position of magnet objects near each other. Polarity is the relative location of poles or the direction of an electric or magnetic field. The distance between attracting and repelling poles decrease and weaken rapidly when there is longer distance between them.

The Coals In the photo show the chemical Potential energy being transferred to Kinetic as they are lit on fire

Chemical Potential Energy

Chemical potential energy are chemical bonds that have potential energy in them. A Chemical Reaction takes place which is when atoms are rearranged that result in new substances. Thermal Energy is usually the reaction that the energy being transferred goes through when it undergoes a change or reaction.

electrical Potential Energy

Electrical potential energy is based on how charged an object is and the position of the charged objects related to each other. If there is a change in position for the charged particles then it is clear evidence of a change in electrical potential energy. The farther away the charges are from each other, the less they will be attracted. Opposite Charges attract and Like Charges repel from each other.

This photo shows the outcome of potential energy. during a thunderstorm the clouds become negatively charged which causes the earth's surface to become positively charged. this shows that opposite charges attract.


"Forces and Motion Goal 3 PP Notes.pptx." Google Docs. Web. 31 Mar. 2016.

"Forms of Energy: Motion, Heat, Light, Sound." BURN An Energy Journal. 11 Apr. 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

"Potential Energy." Potential Energy. Web. 30 Mar. 2016.

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