History of Nike Created by: Maddie Lightsey and Chloe Barnett

Diffusion - When Nike first started as Blue Ribbon Sports they sold Japanese tennis shoes, but when they beacame their own company they started manufacturing their goods in parts of Asia. Nike got to be known worldwide with their catching slogans like " Just Do It ". Later in 1980 the company exceeded Addidas in U.S. market share. Nike was also known around the world when they signed Michael Jordan in 1984. Nike's catchy slogans helped them as well. Then later they in 1996, signed another athlete, Tiger Woods. Nike is mainly an athletic brand in which helped them reach out to many different countries and sports teams in search for sponsors and athletic gear. This help the spread of Nike to become worldwide.

Type of diffusion - Hierarchial diffusion

Distribution -The distribution of nike stores is very dense at the hearth (Oregon) and in other big cities and higher developed areas like the north america and europe. The distribution is international with higher clustered densities in more developed areas.


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