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Honors Stories Connecting Honors and Community Service-Learning through current student stories. Follow along as we share stories of five Honors students and their journey of service throughout their JMU career

The JMU Honors College mixes students from disciplines and majors across the entire campus. It is designed to create experiences that move students to higher levels of commitment and success. It is also a sanctuary for trying out new ideas and making bold experiments that enrich all members of the JMU community with a focus on experiential learning…including service. This year as a part of Service Learning week at JMU, we will be highlighting five Honors students and sharing their stories of service and engagement. The stories shared depict the opportunities available to students from first-year to rising seniors. Enjoy learning more about Breyana, '22, Kiera, '22, Kaitlyn, '23, Collette, '23 and Sydney, '24!

Overcoming a Health Obstacle Through Service

Sydney Dudley

English and Social Work Major with minors in Honors Interdisciplinary Studies.

Through overcoming health issues Sydney is using her passion, time, and talents to give back to others as a testament to those who have supported her along the road to recovery.

Sydney is passionate about working with nonprofits and knows that her JMU social work studies will help toward her career goals.

Volunteering for the Ride with Pride 5K was Sydney's first in-person service opportunity at JMU (due to COVID-19). She felt a little overwhelmed, but gave this piece of advice to students trying something new, "be bold, don't be afraid to ask questions, do your best to promote positivity, and be confident in yourself." Ride for Pride is an equine-assistance therapeutic horsemanship program serving clients with intellectual, physical, or emotional challenges.

Sydney is very excited that she was part of a group of students, Kappa Delta Pi, who are helping to create JMU's FIRST EVER Little Free Library. The library will be available outside Memorial Hall by Fall semester 2021.

Looking at Sydney you would never know that she has suffered multiple concussions in high school which have caused her to focus more on her health and self care than on the typical lifestyle of a college student...staying up all hours of the night and burning the midnight oil. Sydney must take time to rest each day and avoid situations that are risky for causing concussions such as playing sports, riding roller coasters, or going ice skating or zip lining. She must avoid these activities because "once you have a concussion you are more likely to have more concussions" which in Sydney's case was exactly what happened. In a span of 2-3 years she suffered five concussions, which led her to missing time in high school and requiring physical therapy. During this time Sydney was in a dark place and dealt with depression and anxiety. She credits the working with the Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation for helping her break free of the dark times and moving forward to a "very positive place." You can read more about Sydney's medical journey in the Richmond Family magazine.

As part of that positivity Sydney wants to give back to others. "Giving back is so important! I'm part of something so much bigger than myself. As one individual I can only do so much, but there is a lot of power in one person to initiate positive change." Sydney has decided to focus on helping others and "pouring into others” because so many individuals poured themselves into her during her difficult time. She has used that drive, passion and focus to be a servant leader and jumped head first into a multitude of opportunities at JMU when she became a student in the fall of 2020. Even a pandemic wasn't going to stop her from making an impact on others.

Sydney is a member of Epsilon Sigma Alpha.

Sydney joined Epsilon Sigma Alpha upon arriving at JMU. ESA is an international leadership and service fraternity where members develop insightful friendships, find their passion for community service, and continue on the path of lifelong learning. Through ESA, men and women of all ages, backgrounds, and interests are united by the desire to make a difference in the lives of others - as well as their own. All members leave a positive mark on their communities and the world around them, which is exactly what Sydney is passionate about.

Sydney was elected Community Service Chair of ESA. One very memorable moment for her was working this past spring to coordinate community service for over 60 students. One of these efforts was creating positive notes of encouragement to post all around campus. "It had been a challenging semester, but it was so empowering to see everyone come together over Zoom in their own free time. They came willingly, going above and beyond to spread joy and positivity.” That dedication from her fellow fraternity members inspired her to be a leader who will put her all into the position and provide opportunities that will create positivity in and around JMU.

Sydney, founding officer, is ecstatic about the new JMU Chess Club which will begin meeting in fall of 2021. Currently she is working on the club's social media and marketing publicity.

Sydney became a member of the Honors College Ambassadors in Spring 2021. She is looking forward to being an advocate and promoter of the Honors College. She loves the Honors College because the students are "intellectually driven and want to make a difference just like I do."

Sydney is definitely passionate about her service work, but her experience with the Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation made the most lasting impression. She shared one story of working with a student with severe depression and thoughts of suicide. She spent time talking with the student and encouraging them to seek professional assistance. Sydney shared, "I was so happy to be there to help them pour out what they were feeling. We worked through it and helped them find the resources they needed. I was so glad I could be there for that person." Her goal is to one day work in a professional setting with a foundation such as this.

Students like Sydney make such a great impact at JMU and in the Harrisonburg Community. Her best piece of advice to other students would be to volunteer anywhere, "go to the student activities website and scroll through'' to find a unique service opportunity. “Students should not be afraid to try something outside of their comfort zone because you never know where you'll find your next passion." With Sydney her passion and heart will take her far, in that there is no doubt.

If you are interested in learning more about the JMU Honors College please follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram or visit our website. If you are interested in learning how to get involved in JMU Community Service-Learning follow them on social Facebook and Instagram or visit their website.

Story written by Tammy Steele, MPA, '22