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HABIB PUBLIC SCHOOL Junior section e-newsletter 2019-2020


Junior Section Library Inter House Reading competition:

School organized an inter-house English reading competition for the students of Junior Section. The importance of reading cannot be underestimated, as reading stretches the child’s mind and introduces him to the world of wonder that is literature.They did not confuse reading with acting. The children in the audience were equally delighted and waited for their turn anxiously.

IKSC prize distribution

Habib public School is an institution which believe and practice on innovative learning. We are the one who makes our learners able to use and enhance their ability in exploring and discovering their world. This Year the contest was held on September 26,2019 and the result was announced on 28 October , 2019.

Parents’ Morning

HPS arranges Parents morning in order to build confidence in little champs and help them to recognize their talent. The little champs work hard to make their parents happy in today’s depressing lifestyle. In order to build up the level of energy and spirit the little champs heartily welcome their parents with a beautifully sung song, its motive is to bring up energy, spirit and enthusiasm in the boys as well as in the environment so we can learn and grow altogether. With an environment filled with wonderful colorful bright colored dresses.

Bookmark Exchange

A Book Mark making and decoration competition was organized for the children Junior Section. The children were also expected to make their own book marks. Children used different materials to decorate bookmarks with innovative ideas and the activity was conducted in the Junior Library.

Story Telling

Storytelling describes the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics, or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values. Story telling session was organized in the section amphitheater to inculcate the habit of reading in young pupil.

Color’s Day

Color's Day at HPS JS was celebrated on December 11, 2019 by class I and II. Students wore different coloured shirts in order to mark their particular class colour code.Teachers and Students enjoyed their fun day with lots of indoor activities planned. Also , they had a wonderful day performing different tasks and playing games with their care givers and rise teachers. Happenings at JS are always colourful and mesmerizing which give attraction to all the people walking around. The different colour codes which the classes were decorated in were yellow , green , purple , orange, blue and red.


The life of our Prophet is an open book for us, but the main thing is to spend our lives as mentioned in the book and the book is the Holy Quran. There is a solution for every law, and every problem. This is a prescription chemistry. All the words of the world are little in front of it and our Prophet (PBUH) is a walking Quran. To commemorate the birth anniversary of our Prophet (PBUH) , Junior Section organized milaad in which students recited the Na’at beautifully.

Field Trip I and II

Grade I and II of Junior Section went to Karachi Zoo to enjoy their end of the mid-year session. They went on Monday , December 9 , 2019 during school hours. They saw different types of animals there and had a lot of fun on rides. They got to know the names of animal's habitat and they were very excited to learn it. It was not only a fun but an educational trip too for them.

Fruit’s Day

Students of Junior Section in Habib Public School celebrated fruits day with their teachers. The objective of the event was to create awareness among children about the importance of consumption of fruits in regular diets. About 90 per cent of a child’s brain develops by the age of five and hence parents must ensure that children have a daily intake of one fruit. Students helped their teachers in making Fruit Salads and Juices. They enjoyed this day very much. Not only did they make , they also ate the Fruit Salad with their friends in classroom.

Academic Exposition

Academic Exposition in JS was held on Friday, December 13,2019. Teachers and students worked together with great zeal and enthusiasm. Students participated in different subject teams for project making such as Literature , History , Geography, Science , ICT, Urdu , Islamiat and Mathematics. The collaboration between teachers and students increase the level of academic rigor to match the core competencies and also to foster self-discipline and responsible behavior.

Grand Parent’s Day

Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, the keepers of traditions. Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. Through their special love and care, grandparents keep a family close at heart. To honour them Habib Public School – Junior Section celebrated Grandparents Day on 20th December 2019.The general mood was one of exultation and everyone seemed truly happy.It was a successful event indeed, and the School as always would be pleased to organize many such more events.

Fancy Dress Competition

The faculty and students of Junior section enjoyed Costume party and Cultural day in school on 19th December 2009. Students dressed themselves in different attires and looked absolutely amazing in various characters. Boys of III,IV and V made cards for their school. Each class made 4 cards,one from each house was made by the champs. Students as well as teachers enjoyed the day , as it brought freshness and gloominess on their faces. The day ended with happy smiles and laughter.

Sports Day Preparation

Sports bring colours and joy to the life of an individual.Junior Section boys are getting their feet all drooled on the ground in their practice sessions to put a fabulous Sports Day.Boys of different grades are involved in various races , Zumba, March past and Gymnastics.Blazing sun does not decrease their energy instead it gives them the motivation to rise and shine through their performance like a superhero.

Created By
Mohammad Hasan Alvi