Huron tribe By: samantha lashLey
- Usually the Huron tribe would eat corn, squash, flower seeds, beans, berries, grapes, pumpkins, meat, and when they were low on food they would eat wild roots and blossoms. They would eat three pounds of food everyday so they would run low on food fast.

- Men were responsible for farming and hunting. The men would hunt early morning then go on the farm till night time.
- Women were responsible for sewing clothes, gardening, weaving baskets, and taking care of children. They would also teach the children how to clean, cook, and how to take care of children.
- Children were responsible for cleaning and cooking. The girls would mainly cook and the guys would mainly clean.

- The men would wear deerskin shirts, fur cloaks, and moccasins.
- The women would wear breech cloths, leggings, skirts, and moccasins.
- The children would wear breech cloths and deerskin shirts.

- The Huron tribe moved to different places but were mainly in Canada.
- Their homes were made of birch trees. sometimes they would use clay to make the houses.
- The men would build the house and the women would maintain them.

- The Huron tribe would celebrate the dead because they were celebrating that they were still alive. They would usually dance around the grave or have party's.

1. Encyclopedia of Native Americans wrote by Carl Waldman.
2. The Huron Tribe wrote by Cunningham Bencit.
3. North Americans Myths and Legends wrote by Philip Ardogh.