
Colorado Master Gardener Program The ins and outs of public events

Staffing an Extension Master Gardener booth can be a lot of fun – and sometimes more challenging than we’d prefer. Colorado State University staff (with some help from a friendly shark) developed this series of videos to help you navigate some common “oops” moments. But first, let's hear from Dr. Alison O'Connor, Larimer County Extension.

When we’re out in the community as Colorado Master Gardeners, we’re representatives of Colorado State University and our county extension office. But these volunteers missed the memo about what to wear. Pay attention to what this customer says as she approaches this group of helpful but clearly inappropriately dressed volunteers.

Mmmm! I love potato chips! But your customer may not feel this way, especially after this kind of interaction takes place.

Grandma may have had some great ideas – but her home remedies for weed control was not one of them. Listen to the ingredient list and think about the harm they could cause – and not just to the weeds!

Can you hear what the Colorado Master Gardener is clearly not hearing in this interaction?

There are times when it’s hard to interact well with all of our customers- especially when a lot come to your booth all at one time. As you’ll see, though, that’s not the problem here.

It’s game day at the Colorado Master Gardener booth! Who’s going to win?

Let’s use a customer mistake as a way to practice our teaching skills. Even when they really messed up.

The events in this scenario happen to all of us. Here you’ll find some thoughts about making the interaction work a bit better.

Can't you just hear the pain and frustration in this volunteer's voice?

This volunteer clearly got the message about saying "I don't know" when you don't know the answer to a question. But was she too quick to default to this? What could she have done to act and speak more confidently?

Yay! What a great interaction!


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