Drug Overdose (PILLS)

Read instructions.

Never over do it on taking pills if your head hurts or other symptoms take one all depending on dosage and instructions.

Don't be forced

Never be forced to do something you don't want to to do. Like drugs because you can hurt yourself and your life and it might not be a fun thing to do.

Be smart don't do something because of peer pressure. Say no and just walk away.

Don't be stupid

If someone offers you something don't take it because you never know what it could be.

Don't change

PSA - When taking pills be smart , be you , and be careful. Nobody likes to die but if you get hooked and start being stupid you will DIE.

Created By
Mario Ricci
Created with images by frolicsomepl - "cure drug cold" • frankieleon - "safety first" • Alexas_Fotos - "wedding night bride groom" • Ramdlon - "smart be smart clever" • JeongGuHyeok - "drug health addiction" • walknboston - "Be You"

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