The top ten things favorite things about that country which is known as Australia By your friend from school, Zachary zahedi

1# The environment which is also the oldest land surface on earth.

2# The Animals which just so happens to be in the millions of species in Australia.

3# The beaches, as Australia is special for them due to all the oceans that meet in that one country.

4# The Kangaroos which is Australia's most iconic animal.

5# The Great Barrier Reef which is one of the wonders of the world, and the world's largest coral reef ecosystem.

#6 The marine life which Australia supports 4,000 species of.

#7 Sydney Opera House, which is Australia's most recognisable building.

#8 Ayers Rock, which is also a wonder of the world, it's geological feature is special, and nothing else in the world is like it.

#9 The Continent, The way how it's an island and a continent at the same time is amazing.

#10 The accent, actually, it's 3 accents in one whole accent, which everyone speaks differently.

Welp, that's it. Nothing else to see here. Goodbye.

Created with images by Gellinger - "kangaroo bag young animal" • FraukeFeind - "great barrier reef coral australia" • skeeze - "sydney opera house night harbor" • flok85 - "ayers rock uluru outback"

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