friends, family & community always!
mazel tov!

• To Barbara and Joe Massey...their son Charles Massey became engaged to Melissa Smith on November 12th and will be married in August 2020 •

our schedule

* Click on the LINK & move the cursor over each Service or Event for more information, including time(s).

our leadership


  • Alene Schonhaut - * Editor at Large, Madeleine Wolf - Assistant Editor, and Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant
  • * EDITORIAL NOTE - You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.

photograph credits

Marc Gold, Sharon Kahn, Leslie Kizner, Lisa Lupo, and Meryl Root

Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

Let Us Grow Hope

  • My earliest Jewish memories are of Hanukah. Yes, as a child I was interested in getting all those presents, however what I loved most about the holiday was lighting the menorah. We had two family menorot, both green and bronze, each with a different design. Each year, my sister and I would be in charge of one of them (we alternated years, in the interests of avoiding fights!). Every night I got to pick which colored candles, in which order, would create the pattern of light on my menorah. And each night, with help from my parents, I got to touch the lit shamash to each wick and make the pattern glow.
  • To this day, I am mesmerized by the light of the menorah. I think of my childhood home ritual frequently when we celebrate Hanukah here at Temple Tikvah. If you are available, please come join us for Shabbat Hanukah on Friday Night December 27th. Bring your own menorah and candles with you. We will place all the menorot on a long table in front of the bimah and kindle them together. It is a wonderful moment to participate in!
  • It is no accident that light is the main symbol of Hanukah. It is after all the darkest time of the year, the time when we who are sensitive to light’s disappearance need some reminder that it will return again. Of course, Judaism is not the only religion to value light in a dark season: Diwali, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and many others are holidays that light up these colder, sunlight-deprived months for other religions.
  • So, what is unique about Hanukah? What makes our celebration of light special and meaningful?
  • I must confess that the historical significance of Hanukah does not resonate for me. Yes, read in one way, the holiday commemorates the fight for religious freedom. It reminds us that a small band of passionate activists (here the Maccabees) can triumph over a superpower (the Greco Syrians), however for me this message is tainted by the knowledge that the Maccabees were zealots, and themselves intolerant of forms of religious expression different from their own. Had we been living during that time we Reform Jews would likely have identified more with the Greeks than with Judah Maccabee and his brothers.
  • What resonates far more for me is a teaching about Hanukah that we find in the Talmud. The two famous and reputable houses of study, Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai are having a dispute about how to light the menorah. Beit Shammai says that we should light eight candles on the first night of the holiday and decrease the number by one on each successive night. They reason that this accurately represents the oil, which miraculously lasted for eight nights, but the amount of which decreased each night as it was used. Beit Hillel takes the opposite stand. They argue that we should light one candle on the first night and increase the number by one each successive night until the last night all eight candles are aglow. Beit Hillel says that we track not the amount of oil that would have been remaining on each successive night, but rather the wondrousness of the oil lasting. Each night it was more miraculous. Our lighting follows the miracle.
  • As you know, we follow Beit Hillel’s tradition and that for me, is the main point of Hanukah: we can grow hope. In allowing ourselves to be aware of miracles, more and more each day, we increase our capacity to believe they can happen. By lighting one more candle each night, we see that we are the ones who can bring light into the world. We can grow hope.
  • In days darkened not only by the seasonal interplay of winter and summer, but also by news feeds filled with fear, grief, and hatred…I can think of nothing more important.

May this season bring you hope, joy, and faces aglow with light!

Cantor Guy Bonné

where words fail, music speaks

It is Latke Time!

  • Hanukah is a holiday that exists on the borderline between historical facts and myths - between monotheism and paganism - between tolerance and fanaticism and - between light and darkness. Antiochus, the character that propelled the story is enigmatic. He gave himself the title: “Epiphanes”, the one who is revealed, like in an epiphany; however, people of his generation changed his title to: “Epimanes”, the lunatic.
  • It is peculiar that any faith could have been banned or restricted in the Hellenistic World. It is important to understand that the intolerance of Antiochus towards the Jews and their religion was unprecedented in the Greek World. The Greek were pagans. Their religion was based on a multitude of deities. The ancient east was absolutely pluralistic in connection with faith, up until when the Roman Empire embraced Christianity as the Empire’s official religion, many decades after Antiochus. Why should they be concerned about yet another deity, the God of the Jews?
  • Given this background, in order to explain Antiochus' motives in outlawing the faith of the Jews, historians emphasize Antiochus’ bipolar character, as a mixture of positive and negative features, and as a nervous and unbalanced man who befriended unworthy people and could not maintain the decorum expected of a king. Yet there are other reasons. Antiochus was devoted to the spreading of Hellenistic Culture in his empire and while others embraced Hellenism, the Jews resented it. Also, Antiochus attempted to unify the religion in his empire by prohibiting the daily traditional worship of Apollo and fostering the worship of himself in the embodiment of Zeus. When it was imposed on the Temple in Jerusalem it led to the Hasmonean Rebellion. On top of that is the fact that kings at the time used to rob Temples of their gold to support the expenses of their empire. The Temple in Jerusalem had a similar fate.
  • We also cannot forget the disputes and rivalries between the Jews themselves. Hellenized Jews in Jerusalem, mainly the high priest Menelaus who was elected by bribing Antiochus, were trying to impose Hellenic customs to invalidate Jewish segregation which, according to the Hellenists was a sign of barbarism; but the direct reaction of Antiochus towards the Jews is this: while leading a campaign in Egypt, the Jews, thinking that Antiochus had died during the campaign, rebelled against him by casting out the Hellenistic Jews, Antiochus’ supporters from Jerusalem. When he returned, Antiochus reacted brutally against the Jews as merely a retribution for their infidelity.
  • In any case the Hasmoneans eventually defeated the Greeks, the Temple in Jerusalem was purified, the people were happy, and ate lots and lots of latkes.

Happy Hanukah!

Temple President - shari rotstein

Chag Sameach!

  • Growing up in Massapequa, which has been dubbed "Matzo-Pizza" due to the mix of Jewish people and Italians, there were far more houses with Christmas lights on them, than houses with menorahs in the window. Although I had a good grasp of my Jewish identity and Jewish education from my parents and from 8 years of religious school, I admit, I was a little envious of all those beautiful lights on the houses with those big beautiful trees!
  • I can even remember a time when I was very young, asking my parents why we didn't have lights on our house and requesting that we also put them on. Eventually, I got it. I understood, that these two holidays often fall on or near the same time and at times may have felt like we were in competition with our neighbors.
  • Alas, I also came to understand that we celebrated differently and that our holidays had different meanings. I was happy to proudly explain the meaning and the symbols of Hanukah to anyone of my neighbors and classmates who asked. By the time I was in high school I was blessed to have so many friends that would welcome me into their homes when it came time to decorate their Christmas trees, and I have some great memories of those times.
  • When my siblings and I were little we were given one small gift for each night of Hanukah. When we got older it was one or two bigger gifts, which is the tradition that I have carried out with my own children. Occasionally, we will skip the gifts and do something different like glow-in-the-dark miniature golf or bowling or those escape rooms that you need to work together to get out of.
  • I am not quite sure what the plan is for us for this year, however we will light the candles of the menorah each night of Hanukah, feel the light surrounding us, and read the prayers from the same set of papers that I read from when I was growing up.

Whichever holiday you will be celebrating and however you decide to celebrate, may you be blessed with the love of your families and good friends and the best of health to enjoy it!

religious school

Education Director - Sharon Fricano

Yes, the End of the Year is Here!

  • As I write this article, it is hard to believe it is already December.
  • November was filled with exciting activities. Our Grades 6/7 Class led us in a beautiful Family Service! Congratulations to all of them on a great collaborative effort.
  • We also held a highly Interactive Torah Factory Scribe Program, where our students participated in writing Hebrew letters on parchment like a Sofer. I am thrilled that we were able to provide our students with this special experience.
  • To top the month off, ten of our religious school families shared a special weekend together at Camp Eisner for a spiritual and fun community experience. For those of you that missed the weekend, we hope to do it again in two years.
  • Congratulations to the Stern Family, on Sasha’s Bat Mitzvah on November 30th!
  • Our December Activities begin with our Grades 4/5 Service on Friday, December 13th. Please join the following students for Shabbat Dinner at 6:15pm and Services at 7:30pm: Lucas Baker, Alexander DeZorett, Emily Geller, Benjamin Golbig, Sarah Hersh, Leah McCorey, Zachary Silverman, Eva Spiegelman, Justin Strobel, Abigail Wainberg, Aaron Weisser, Emma Chirel, Brian Kahn, Logan Kahn, Khloe Taylor, and Jared Wolfson.
  • On December 15th, we will host a Joint Family Hanukah Program with Temple Judea during Religious School. We encourage all parents to attend with their children, and we are looking forward to learning and celebrating Hanukah together as families.
  • DECEMBER EVENTS December 7th - Junior Congregation • December 8th - Hanukah Sale - Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:30pm – and - Grades 3 - 6 Youth Group Event • December 10th - Ronald McDonald House Community Service Event from 4:00pm to 6:00pm • December 15th - Joint Family Hanukah Program • December 17th - Ronald McDonald House Community Service Event • December 21st - Hanukah Havdalah with Dinner • December 22nd - January 1 - WINTER RECESS, NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL • December 23rd - Mitzvah Choir Program at Cohen Children’s Hospital

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2020!

Meet Sara Levy - Our New 4th & 5th Grade Teacher

Hi, my name is Sara Levy. I am very excited to be teaching the 4th & 5th Classes at Temple Tikvah’s Hebrew School! I have been involved in Jewish education for many years as a substitute teacher in Yeshiva and Temple Hebrew Schools, and as a private Hebrew Language and Judaic Studies Tutor to elementary and middle school students. I am fluent in Hebrew and passionate about teaching the language of our religion and ensuring it stays alive and vital. I met my husband when I was in Israel studying at a Talmudic college. We married at 19 and attended university together in England. I believe that providing students with a supportive and positive atmosphere is the best way to help them to develop the necessary tools to succeed. I am looking forward to a year filled with growth and many achievements for all of the students.

Early Childhood - Nuccia Hernan

“Twinkle, Twinkle Hanukah Lights”

  • The long winter nights are here, and we all gather indoors for family celebrations, great food, and happy songs. One song comes to mind of the holiday we celebrate in December and it is called “Twinkle, Twinkle Hanukah Lights.” The author is unknown to me, but the tune captures this holiday of lights, food, and song and dance:
  • Join us on Saturday, December 14th at 10:15am for a Hanukah Shabbat Service and help Cantor Guy sing about the brave Maccabees, listen to the sound of sizzling latkes, spin with us like a dreidel, and be a bright shining light. You will be able to name the characters in Rabbi Sheinberg’s story and then join us for blessings, a snack, and create your very own Hanukah craft followed by a PJ Library Book Reading.
  • There will be a Friday Night Tot Shabbat Service on December 27th beginning at 6:30pm. This is a short Service for the young Maccabees in our community. Lighting of the Shabbat Candles and blessings of the juice and challah will follow in Classroom 7, along with a snack and story time.
  • All of these programs are free; however, space is limited. Reservations are required for all our events, to ensure that we have adequate supplies for your child. Please register by emailing Shari Rotstein at ECP@templetikvah.org.

We hope all our Maccabees will join us this month and help our Menorah shine brightly!


Director of Youth & Family Engagement - Cheryl Stern

Happy Hanukah

  • It is hard to believe that winter is already upon us. We have been having so much fun here at Temple Tikvah we barely noticed the season changed.
  • Our Youth Group Events have been a great way to spend a rainy day. New friendships have been made and beautiful artwork has been created.
  • We all loved decorating desserts for our Interfaith Thanksgiving. It helped remind all of us how lucky we are, not only during this time of year, but all year round.
  • We are getting ready for our Hanukah Events and all of the fun that comes with the Festival of Lights • Saturday, December 8th at 9:30am – The Junior Congregation will be meeting & The Youth Group will meet for a lesson on how to make latkes • Tuesday, December 10th & 17th – Trips to The Ronald McDonald House, feel free to email me for more information • Saturday, December 21st at 5:30pm – A Pre-Hanukah Celebration: Family Havdalah Program - A pizza dinner will be served; followed by dessert, making your own edible menorah, and dreidel games for all to enjoy.

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season from my family to yours…B’Shalom

Friday Night Dinners

planned at 6:15PM

• December 13th - Grades 4/5 Service • January 10th - Family Service • February 7th - Grades 2/3 Service • March 13th - Kindergarten & Grade 1 Service • April 3rd - New Member Dinner • May 1st - Sisterhood Shabbat • June 12th - High School Graduation


President - Marc Gold

December is a FUN Month!

  • Tis’ the Holiday Season…with Hanukah and Christmas (if you celebrate), and the NEW YEAR! The stores in the malls are jammed with frantic people looking for the ideal gifts for their loved ones and friends. Gift cards are quick, yet I feel kind of cold, especially if the recipient is close you. So, what do you buy people who seem to have everything - another tie or shirt, usually the wrong size and who wants to then have to wait on the those ridiculously long return or exchange lines…YOU!!!
  • You cannot win either way…
  • At our house in years past…we bought gifts of all different prices (8 of course per son) and gave one gift every night. However, our boys kind of guessed that they were getting 8 gifts and preferred them all on night #1! So, we gave in, we had a scavenger hunt in the Gold House for many years with each clue leading to another gift, from least expensive to the BIG ONE!
  • For years we had these scavenger hunts. We mixed-up the clues, so that both boys were not in each others way running all over the house. It was fun and of course we videotaped everything, and we still look at these tapes every now and then. It was quite entertaining when they found “a gift” - they looked at each other to make sure the gifts were of equal value. God forbid we spent more on one child and not the other…Ha ha ha!
  • We still buy Hanukah gifts for our two sons (38 and 35) along with their wives, but this year we get to buy our little granddaughter Seyla, her first of many Hanukah gifts!!! The fun starts up all over again.
  • As for Brotherhood…coming off of a very successful Fundraiser at Panera Bread, we as a group will cook potato latkes for Religious School on December 15th. Please join us at 9:30am…this is always a fun event for Brotherhood, as well as for the kids.
  • Long Range: SAVE THE DATEOn Sunday, February 2nd 2020 will hold our Annual Defensive Driving Course. Look for the flyers in the Temple’s Weekly Updates and in Temple. The Class fills up QUICKLY, so if you want a reduced insurance rate or need points removed from you license, please sign up as soon as possible.

Happy Holidays!



Co-Presidents - Terry Cutler & Terry Lepzelter

Sisterhood Scoop

  • We hope everyone had a meaningful Thanksgiving with family and friends. The festivities will continue as Sisterhood’s Winter Events promise to be exciting. This is the time of year, when winter’s cold has us wrapped up in extra sweaters and scarves, reminding us of happy memories of holidays past. Like it was yesterday, we can remember the wonder of the glowing colorful candles as each night of Hanukah brought more light until the menorah was filled. Did you make patterns with your candles and take turns lighting them with siblings and family? Did you watch them dancing down as you opened another present each night? We wish you many more happy memories to come as families grow and good friends celebrate together.
  • We would like to thank Debbie Hochrad and all the women who made our Tikvah’s Got Talent Night a huge success! Everyone had fun and raved about the delicious potluck. Everything from soup to dessert was literally made with love for all to enjoy. Big thanks to Barbara Fleisher, Debbie Hochrad, Joan Weiner, Jack Zaffos, and Cantor Guy for providing the night’s top-notch entertainment! It was a great night and all funds raised go directly to support Temple. We hope to see even more of you at our future potluck.
  • We also want to give a big thank you to Sharon Kahn and all the many women who made this year’s Rummage Sale a success! We had so many donations and they were all on display Veteran’s Day Weekend. Clothing, toys, housewares, books…all arranged with care in the Beber. Special thanks to our Custodial Staff, Shoshana, Marie, Vic, Brian and Logan Kahn, Andrea King, Marc Gold, and Michael Cutler! We really appreciate the hours of hard work this event requires from everyone who volunteers.
  • We are looking forward to seeing many of you at our Hanukah Boutique Sale on Sunday, December 8th from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Come shop for treasures from our Judaica Shop and see all the new things specially priced. Our beautiful items include Judaica, jewelry, and toys that can make wonderful gifts for the holiday season. There will be lots of kid friendly items and prices. The kids will be coming with their Hebrew School Class so do not forget to give them some gelt to spend or join them to help them shop for someone special.
  • Looking ahead, all Sisterhood Members are invited to attend our January 7th General Meeting, where we will be hosting a Paint Night at Temple guided by our talented Michelle Wolf. Mark your calendar! RSVP’s are a must so we can order materials for you. Your $10 material fee is worth setting the artist within you free! Don’t miss this fun night.
  • Please keep Saturday Evening, April 18th open for another Sisterhood Surprise! We are planning our Biggest Fundraiser of the Year and you are invited. Look for the Save- the-Date Announcing the Arrival of Carole’s Kings to Temple Tikvah. You will not want to miss this talented trio as they pay tribute to Carole King ‘s wonderful career. We are really excited about having them. Bring your friends and neighbors to join you for a sensational evening, including a dessert buffet.
  • As always, we thank you for your continued support.

Wishing all our Temple Tikvah Family a de"light”ful Hanukah and a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2020!

  • A big “thank you” to the following organizations for contributing to The Sisterhood Membership Brunch Raffle that was held on Sunday, October 27th.
  • Please continue to show your support for our local community by supporting them: Julie’s Nails in Albertson • Danny’s Cleaners in Fresh Meadows (5 certificates) • Positano Brickoven Pizza in Williston Park • Dominick's Deli in New Hyde Park • Polito Bakery in New Hyde Park • Pizazz Hair Salon in Little Neck (4 certificates) • Ben’s Kosher Deli • Oasis Nail in New Hyde Park • Old Westbury Diner • Opa Grille in Williston Park • BAM Style Hair Salon in Lake Success (10 certificates) • Iavarone Brothers in Lake Success • Grill Mark in Albertson


life long learning

Meryl Root

Lunch & Learn

  • Please join us for the next session of *Lunch & Learn on Saturday, December 21st at 11:30am in the Harris Beber Auditorium featuring NY State Senator Anna Kaplan. Social Action is sponsoring this Lunch & Learn. State Senator Anna Kaplan’s district includes our Temple and the homes of many of our Congregants. She will be talking about what was accomplished last year and what the plans are for the legislative session that will begin in January 2020. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, whether or not you are a constituent. You can also check out her positions and voting record on the State Senate Website, https://www.nysenate.gov/ and on her own website. Please RSVP to lifelonglearning@templetikvah.org by Wednesday, December 18th or to the Office. Lunch is $10 a session (or $15 for a guest), preferably in advance to the Temple Office. *Contemplative Service - There will be a Contemplative Shabbat Morning Service at 10:15am in the Sanctuary prior to Lunch & Learn. Join Rabbi Sheinberg and Cantor Bonné for a mindful Shabbat Morning Service. Meditative practices will be incorporated into the Service. All are welcome.

Torah Study

  • Friday Night Torah Study - ”Torah Without Skipping” with Cantor Guy Bonné will meet on December 6th and December 20th at 7:00 pm.
  • Shabbat Morning Torah Study - Continues every Saturday at 9:00am in the Loretta & George Cohen Library with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We are currently deep into "B’reshit," The Book of Genesis; re-reading and re-interpreting the stories of our ancestors. Come and learn about the stories of our mothers and fathers who came before us. See how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.

Adult Hebrew Class - עִבְרִית נְדָבֵּר בּוֹאוּ

“Let’s Speak Hebrew”

  • Adult Hebrew Class is now in its tenth year! Classes continue on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. The Cantor is delighted the class has grown and we welcome you to also join us. If you are interested in having some fun while learning Hebrew and about Israel, then this is the class for you. This year we will focus on speaking more so that we can talk to the Israeli taxi driver! The atmosphere is relaxed and there is plenty of reviewing. Speak to Cantor Bonné for more details.


Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut

CARING – An adjective defined as someone that shows kindness and concern for others.

  • A Jewish proverb tells us ... DO NOT BE WISE IN WORDS, BE WISE IN DEEDS. Our acts can start a positive ripple effect that may be felt by many people. Who cares? WE ALL DO! We just need to do the deeds!!
  • We present to you some additional thoughts from an edited prayer by Rabbi Warren Stone:
  • We are delighted to share with you that the 2 BOOK CLUBS that started a few months ago are thriving! The next AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB meets on Thursday - December 5th at 1pm to review kaddish.com by Nathan Englander and the next EVENING BOOK CLUB will meet on Wednesday - December 11th at 7:30pm and will be reviewing Commonwealth by Ann Patchett.
  • More good news - The CREATIVE WRITING GROUP has taken off with a large number of participants. The next session will be on Monday, December 23rd at 7:00pm in the Beber Auditorium.
  • The Caring Community has again asked Valerie Gelber, Social Worker from the Sid Jacobson JCC to meet individually and privately with Congregants, free of charge by appointment for half hour counseling sessions. Please call Marie Brown at the Temple Office to schedule your appointment, starting at 11am on December 2nd 2019.

HAPPY HANUKAH - May the lights of the menorah bring you warmth and joy, happiness and health.

SHMIRA (Security Fund):

Joan Wiener in honor of first great Grandchild


• Laura Friedenthal in honor of Sheryl • Fred Gilbert • Barbara & Joe Massey in honor of their son Charles and Melissa Smith's Engagement on November 12th 2019 Mark & Lori Gordon in honor of Cantor Guy Bonné •


• Ann & Dick Arkin in memory of Milton Arkin • Lester & Lorraine Bertan in memory of Celia Bertan • Betsy Biviano in memory of Mildred Noll and Kenneth Silver • Bernice Bloch in memory of Judson Schiebel • Sylvia & Arnold Bloch in memory of Marion Schiebel and Florence Bloch • Sheila & Martin Bokser in memory of Lillian Jupiter Sussman • Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Erich Herz • Lynn & Roy Cohen in memory of Gloria Miller • Dr. Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory of Martin Cohen • Pamela & Mark Fisher in memory of Roberta Salshutz • Vivian, Ray & Annie Floch in memory of Ruthie and Walter Floch • Susan & Martin Fox in memory of Jack Gelman • Judy & Mitchell Friedman in memory of Julius Friedman • Yury Gabay in memory of Henry Gabay Michele & Marc Gold in memory of Wilma Cohen and Louis Lasker  Vivien Goldbaum in memory of Myra Bernstein • Barbara & Stephen Goldberg in memory of Samuel Goldberg • Jeannette & Charels Golden in memory of Ray Golden and Abe Golden • Cantor Kat Hastings in memory of Kathryn Stinchcomb • Lois & Richard Howard in memory of Sheldon Feitell • Toby & Steven Israel in memory of Jules Beers Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Erich Herz • Patrice Kolomer in memory of Evelyn Lipchonsky • Terry & Ira Lepzelter in memory Jerome Lepzelter, Dolores Schonfeld, and Robert Schonfeld • Steven Levine in memory of Frances Levine and Joseph Levine • Estelle Magidson in memory of Goldie and Joseph Farber • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Jeanne Friedenberg and Lenore Katz • Lynn Moser in memory of Sonya Okun • Lee Newman in memory of Lillian Newman and Erwin Singer • Michael Newman in memory of Carmen Gutierrez • Karla & Orlando Osuna in memory of Martha Steinberb, Shirley Brooks, and Harry Brooks • Donald, Lori, Eric & Marissa Panetta in memory Michael Schoener • Sandra & David Peskin in memory of Al Cohen and Dan Egan • Suzanne Plastrik in memory of Harvey Plastrik • Sandy Portnoy in memory of Evelyn Portnoy • Phyllis Richards in memory of Mollie Glick, Hyman Glick, and Sam Soloshatz • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg in memory of Henry Rosenberg • Suzanne Rosenberg in memory of Molly Smiley • Lorraine & Martin Ross in memory of Roberta Amrani • Shari & Rony Rotstein in memory of Esther Sackstein-Siegel • Robin Savitt & Toby Kemelor in memory of Dr. Robert Haver • Helaine & Ed Schachter in memory of Michele Levine • Robin Savitt & Toby Kemelor in memory of Dr. Robert Haver • Judith Serebrick in memory of Natalie Spector • Doris & Irving Silberman in memory of Carl Goodman and Augusta Silberman • Felice Tarter in memory of Rhea Tarter, Solomon Tarter, and Harold Tarter • Neela & Ken Weber in memory of Sidney Weber • Gale & Howard Zeidman in memory of Robert Mindlin •


  • CHESED: Barbara Silberman • Ken & Neela Weber
  • TZEDEKAH: Elaine R. Farber • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTORS: Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Carole Kaplan • Cheryl & Steven Levine • Kent & Susan Moston • Sandra & David Peskin
  • PATRONS: Helen & Bob Bader • Brotherhood of Temple Tikvah • Arline & Jack Cazes • Jeannette & Charles Golden • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Andrea & Doug King • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSORS: Anonymous • Maureen & Steve Berman • Rabbi Randy Sheinberg & Dr. Martin Cohen • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • The Diamond Family • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Joe & Judy Kirschner • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Robin & Mark Mandell • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONORS: Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim • Sharon Bibergal • Bernice Bloch • Henry Bloch • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Anonymous • Merle Fishkin • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Libby Glowatz • Vivian Goldbaum & Dr. Norman Feder • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Susan & Marty Goldschmidt • Anonymous • Helene & Howard Hecht • Dean & Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Irene Horn • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Estelle Magidson • Barbara & Joe Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Oscrow • Robert Peskin (non-member) • Phyllis Richards • Helaine & Ed Schacter • Burton & Susan Schall • Rosalyn Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz • Ruth Selig • Claire Shapiro • Lenore & Barry Stein • Roslyn & Burton Tropp • Leo & Jane Tujack • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Joan Wiener • Sandra Witt (non-member) • Laurence & Aki Wolfson • Carol Fenves & Isaac Yavetz • Gale & Howard Zeidman • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANTS: Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Lois & Andrew Baron • George & Jeanie Berger • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Anonymous • Brenda & Mark Brody • Barbara & Fred Fleisher • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Lori & Mark Gordon • Muriel Gorochow • Linda Kamalic • Dorothy Kellner (non-member) • Leslie Kizner • Erika Korpacz (no-member) • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Helen Lipson • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Gail & Michael Meisel • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Anonymous • Susan & George Prinz • Rachel Raphael-Kupferburg • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg • Richard Roth (non-member) • Jaynie Rudnick • Alene Schonhaut • Susan, Irwin & Alex Schneider • Anonymous • Shirley Snyder • Carol & Amram Weiner • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Elaine Zipser
social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

Happy Hanukah to Everyone!

  • Our last Social Action Meeting was held on November 3rd. Our first topic was food! Not specifically latkes, but the need to take another look at what we serve at Temple Events. More and more people have adopted vegetarian or vegan diets in recent years for a variety of reasons, one being that it is good for the planet. After discussing this with Temple Members who are vegans, we decided it would be good (and delicious) to have vegan options, such as falafel along with other foods, at our events. We will also be looking into ways to reduce our use of plastic utensils and other non-biodegradable items.
  • We were joined at the meeting by Pat Young, Downstate Director of Advocacy for the New York Immigration Coalition. Mr. Young is a lawyer with more than 35 years of experience working with immigration organizations. He gave us valuable and sometimes shocking information about what is happening on Long Island and suggested we can help by making our views known to our legislators. He will keep us informed about NYIC actions and opportunities to participate.
  • Temple Tikvah is now a member of the Immigration Cohort of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. On October 28th, Elaine Weiss participated in a RAC Immigration Justice Cohort Call with Congregations around the country. She reported back on what other Temples have been doing to help immigrants and increase understanding of the issues. The RAC has supported laws that protect immigrants and has been fighting the privatization of detention facilities. The New York State Chapter will decide on NY State legislative priorities in the next couple of months.
  • On Saturday, December 21st at 11:30am Social Action is sponsoring a Lunch and Learn featuring State Senator Anna Kaplan, whose district includes our Temple and the homes of many Congregants. She will be talking about what was accomplished last year and what the plans are for the legislative session which will begin in January 2020. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, whether or not you are a constituent. You can also check out her positions and voting record on the State Senate Website, https://www.nysenate.gov and on her own website, https://www.nysenate.gov/senators/anna-m-kaplan/contact.
  • On November 7th in the evening, two of us joined a large contingent from our Temple who accepted the invitation of the Amadiyyah Community to visit with them at their Bait uz Zafar Mosque (188-15 McLaughlin Avenue, Hollis, New York 11423, the old site of Temple Israel). We had a tour of the building, including the school and Sanctuary, and enjoyed a very sociable evening of conversation and refreshments.
  • This year we will have the opportunity to help Veterans through food drives run by Island Harvest Food Bank of Long Island, that will be ongoing through December. Details will be coming soon. Please email or call Elaine Brooks if you are interested in organizing or joining a food drive, especially one for Veterans through Operation Hope of LI Harvest (email: volunteersupport@islandharvest.org or call us at 631.873.4775).
  • Our next Meeting will be Sunday, December 8th at 10:30am. If you cannot attend, but are interested in participating, you can contact one of us at: Elaine Brooks: 718.217.6065 • Judy Kirschner: 917.270.2705 • Elaine Weiss: 914.693.1545

We hope you and your loved ones enjoy many of the wonderful traditions of the Festival of Lights...

in loving memory





Created with images by Josh Felise - "Rose and petals at Walnut Creek" • FotoRieth - "challah shabbat challah board" • Jon Tyson - "untitled image" • hurk - "star of david star symbol" • exoteric - "sundial clock old"

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