Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days By: kobe regEr

In the Exposition Greg Heffley and his Best friend Rowley go to Rowley's country club. Greg only went because he got free stuff like smoothies and snacks, but it turns out it wasn't free. So Greg and Rowley have to make some money to pay it off.

In the Rising Action Greg and Rowley have an argument about how to pay off the money for the Country Club. They both decide that they will open a landscaping job. Rowley quits the job because he feels like he gets no credit.

In the Climax Mr. Jefferson tells Greg that he is taking to long to pay off the fine, so he just paid it off. Then, Greg and his Mom run into the Jeffersons at the market and Rowley's parents invited Greg to their beach vacation. Greg's mom says yes.

Greg Is frustrated with the Jeffersons beach condo because there is no entertainment like TV, computers, video games, stuff like that. All they can do is read magazines, and Greg thinks its punishment.

Greg and Rowley go to the board walk for fun. Greg went on a ride that he had been wanting to all summer. Greg actually had fun with the Jeffersons, and had a good summer after all.

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