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NHS CGHS National honor society

NHS is...

A club which focuses on academic achievement, community service, and leadership.

What is Our Mission Statement?

“The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.”

What Does NHS Do?

Through NHS we organize volunteer opportunities, encourage academic excellence and give back to our community as much as possible.

Sponsor: The Wonderful Ms. Landsea

Hanna Ebrahimi: President

Chloe Grant: Vice-President

Senior Secretaries: Lucas Gonzalez, Sofia Rebull

Junior Secretaries: Penny Richards, Jasming Senel

Sophomore Secretaries: Andres Arzola, Lauren Gregorio

Treasurers: Kaitlyn Duardo, Julian Mesa

Jana Faour: Historian

Danny Cen: Club Coordinator

Club Meetings

NHS will usually meet on the first Wednesday of each month.

If meeting dates change, NHS will make announcements via the NHS instagram @gablesnhs, and the NHS Teams!

Zoom links are posted on the NHS Teams.

How Do I Get Involved?

If you are a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior with a 3.0 GPA or higher, you are invited to join NHS.

In the beginning of the school year, you must have filled out the application shared on the NHS Teams. If you are still on the NHS Teams, you are a member!

Log your NHS hours into Innerview. Make sure to check out NHS' first meeting powerpoint for more information on how to maintain membership. The powerpoint is under the files section in Teams.


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